Untitled Part 3

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I get to the corner of the block right before my bus starts to pull away, leaving me stranded to walk to school alone. Luckily one of the passengers sitting at the back of the bus yelled at the driver to stop. 

In a huff, I slam down on a seat in the front of the bus, the same seat that I sit in every day for the past 3 years. But today was different. There was someone else sitting there too. Someone I've never seen before in my life.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there," I whisper as the heat of my embarrassment rises to my cheeks, making them the color of a ripe strawberry.

"Oh that's ok. I wouldn't have noticed me either if I were you," the strange guy said, as his subtle english accent peaked through his american accent.

"Why's that?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Because I'm a new student. Just moved here from living with my aunt in England for a few years," he explained.

He went into a story of explaining how he has traveled all over America from foster home to foster home and finally ended up with his aunt. But I was not thinking about what he was telling me. I couldn't help but look from the top of his head, covered in solid golden blonde hair that shaped his face and blew with the wind. With my eyes I traced his face, his ferm cheek bones, his perfectly sized lips, his slight scruff that he had on his chin and above his lip. Then I looked up into his eyes. They were the color of sunflowers in the summer, a fascinating color of yellow. He was flawless.

"You understand don't you? I've never met anyone that has been through the same situation as me," he proclaimed.

"I-I uh.." I stuttered. I didn't want to tell him that I was not listening. I wanted to tell him that I understood everything, that I wanted to be there for him, to be his shoulder to cry on. But I couldn't. He would think I'm crazy. So instead I just said one simple word. " Yes."

"Cool." he said, as the bus came to a stop in front of the high school. " Oh, and I never got your name.

"Its Delta," I told him shyly.

"That's a really cool name. My name is Dean," he said as we stepped off the bus. As we walked into the school, he turned towards me. "I hope we see each other again. It was really nice running into you. Literally," he mentioned and chuckled a little before we went our separate ways. 

The Savior: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now