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The days after the whole Sebastian debacle have been pretty boring and things seem to be going back to normal. Vanessa keeps pestering me to actually take the time to do some baby research so that's what I'm doing tonight. Since she's gone out with her coworkers to celebrate her finishing this top secret story she's been working on, I've decided to hole up in my bed with snacks and my laptop to learn about what's to come these next few months.

After freaking myself out with the horror stories posted on the Yahoo Answers pages, I finally go to the doctor recommended sites with factual information on pregnancy. Most of the stuff I already know because Dr.Lockhart already told me, like the fact that the first trimester is the most dangerous because that's when women have miscarriages, I know that my baby won't actually come on the due date, it's just an estimate of when the baby will come. My due date isn't until March 8th, but like I said, it's only an estimate so I should expect him or her around that time.

I read a little more about how the baby forms and the things that will harm the baby before I finally call it a night. I'm cleaning up all the wrappers from my snacks when someone knocks on the door.

I stop moving, going through the list of people that would come here at ten at night and I can't think of anyone.

Maybe it's Vanessa, she probably lost her keys again. But she would've called.  Maybe if I just stay silent they'll go away.

I stay in my position until I hear another knock, this one louder and harder.

Holy shit. I'm going to die. I think terrifyingly.

Another knock sounds and I almost jump from my skin.

Sucking in a deep breath I slowly exit my room, making a quick pitstop at the kitchen to throw away my crap, and walk towards the door. I grab the bat that Vanessa keeps near the coat hanger and open the door.


"Amelia. Why do you have a bat?"

"I, no reason." I mutter as set it aside. "What are you doing here? How did you find where I live?" I ask nervously.

Instead of answering he shrugs and walks into my home. Uninvited.

"Um, hello what do you think you're doing?" I ask him with arms crossed.

"I'm standing." He says seriously.

"Obviously, but why are you standing in my apartment? How did you even find where I live?" I ask again.

"I have my ways."

"And what are those ways?" I ask, not sure I want to know the answer.

"This isn't why I came here." He says, staring at me impatiently.

"Okay so why are you here?"

"I want to talk to you about the baby."

"The baby? What about the baby?"

"It's mine and I need to know your intentions." He says.

"What?! My intentions, are none of your concern, you didn't believe me when I told you and now you do? What the hell changed?"

"Nothing changed, that is my child and I want to be a part of its life. It's my responsibility now."

I stare at him with wide eyes. What the hell, this guy has done a complete 180, the other day he was all confident that there was no way this baby could be his and now he wants to man up and take responsibility?

"Um, okay?" I say because I honestly don't know what to say to that.

"Okay, I set up an appointment for tomorrow at noon. I'll pick you up twenty minutes before then." He says as he begins to walk away.

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