Chapter V - Trapped (Now)

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"Okay, guys. Here's the deal. Coogan texted me this morning. He wants the ad to appeal to an older demographic so he can use it for his new retirement community. I think we need to tone it down. Don't you?" Liam had called an emergency meeting for H Thru Z, the guys' advertising firm.

Back in college, they all knew they would start a business together and wanted to integrate their initials in the title. "H" was for Harry, "Thru" covered Liam, Louis and Niall and "Z" was, last but not least, for Zayn.

Harry came up with the title. He explained that H Thru Z sounded funny like A through Z and would catch people's attention. And they loved it.

Liam read off the email. If Mr. Coogan liked their pitch, he agreed H Thru Z would get all of his advertising business for his properties nationwide. "Guys, this is big."

"What the hell, Liam? We pitch the fucking presentation on Monday." Niall fell back in his chair and rubbed his face with his hands in frustration. He didn't need the extra pressure.

"Hey. We can do this. We have today and tomorrow. H, do you think you can strip down the music to jus' your acoustic guitar? Make it softer, prettier maybe?" Zayn wrote down the ideas that flowed in his brain in bullet points.

"Yeah, sure. Pretty and soft? M'kay." Harry closed his eyes and envisioned how he would play the one-minute bumper with his acoustic guitar. His voice wasn't pretty or soft. That's when he thought of Hannah.

"Great. Email it to me when you're done, m'kay? And I'll scale down the graphics. Lou, you've got the brochures. If I email you the new design by tonight, is there any way our printers can have a thousand ready by tomorrow?" Zayn tried to hide his nervousness. He knew there was a possibility it could be a disaster.

"Yeah, I'll text Remmick and ask if I can use their printers tomorrow morning. No promises, though." Louis blew out a breath and reached for his phone. It was a longshot, but he was going to try.

Niall got up to leave. As far as he was concerned, he was done with his task.

"Hey, mate. We can still use your help. This is due tomorrow." Liam clicked the send button to email their answer to Mr. Coogan's secretary.

"I'm sales. I've already lured them in." Niall shrugged his shoulder. He wanted to go.

"I-I could use your help, Niall." Harry thought of an idea for the song but didn't know how to bring it to life. And since Niall didn't have anything to do, he thought he could help him. "The singing part is-"

"I'm not singing, Harry." Niall smirked as he looked up at Harry. "Maybe Hannah would like to."

Harry raised his eyebrows. He would get to sing with Hannah. She had a voice of an angel. He would sing with an angel.

"Can I call her?" Harry's phone was in his hand ready to press her name. She was in his favorites. They all were. He just needed permission. From Hannah's husband.

"Course." Niall couldn't care less. He was just glad he didn't have to sing, or help, really.

And with that, Harry heard two rings and then the prettiest voice.

"Hello, Harry Blueberry!"

"Hi, Hannah Banana." Harry got up from the conference table and walked into the break room. He didn't want to disturb the guys.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes. Would you like to sing with me?" Harry fiddled with the hem of his shirt. He didn't want her to sing for the ad if she didn't want to.

"Sure, Harry. But, um, what for?"

"For our ad. We have to change everything and I have to come up with practically a new song. Zayn says it needs to be softer and prettier. A-and I thought of you." Harry smiled. He remembered Hannah's voice when she would sing.

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