Chapter XVII - And Ever (Now) Final Part 1

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A/N: Okay, here goes.
The Final two parts.
Because it was too long and I didn't want it to end just yet!

I ❤️ my readers, voters and commenters!!

And that gif of Harry will be the absolute death of me.

***Fifteen Years Later

Life for Hannah Rose Styles was not what she expected it to be.

Instead of feeling trapped, Hannah felt free. Instead of feeling scared, Hannah felt protected. And instead of feeling like a possession, Hannah felt adored.

Hannah never knew she could love someone with her whole heart, and have that someone love her with the same selfless passion in return.

But Hannah did. With her Harry.

The warm sunrise shone on Hannah's face. She yawned and stretched then she looked to her left. And she smiled. She cuddled with her Harry, feeling the soothing vibrations of his quiet snores. And she just fell more in love with her Harry.

Taking in a deep breath, Harry stirred from his sleep. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. But he didn't want to wake up. He had a really good dream. It was about his Hannah. But he woke up anyway. Because he knew his Hannah wasn't just in his dreams. She was in his arms.

"G'morning, Hannah Banana." Harry smiled. "I love you, Hannah."

"G'mornin', Harry Blueberry." Hannah kissed his cheek. "I love you, Harry."

Hannah and Harry laid in their bed together, holding each other, sometimes kissing and saying how much they loved each other in between their kisses.

Then the alarm went off.

Hannah playfully groaned, rolling over and she turned off the alarm clock.

Harry laughed. His Hannah was funny.

Hannah turned back over to her Harry and peppered kisses all over his chest.


"Yes, Hannah?"

Hannah looked into his emerald eyes, caressing his chest. Then she kissed him. "Would you like to take a shower, with me?"

Harry gulped and nodded.

Hannah giggled and took his hand, pulling him out of the bed.

Harry kept his eyes on his Hannah's blue eyes. Because she was naked. And he blushed. Because he was naked too. But he smiled when his Hannah smiled at him.

So Hannah and Harry walked into their bathroom giggling. Because they just loved each other so much.***

Harry kissed his Hannah and held up her robe.

"Thank you, my love." Hannah slipped her arms through and tied her robe. "Have I told you, that I think you're a gentleman?"

"Yes." Harry grinned, wrapping a towel around his waist. "But I like hearing it."

"Good, because you are a gentleman, Harry." Hannah kissed him, carding her hands through his wet shoulder-length curls. "My gentleman."

"I love you, Hannah." Harry placed his hands on her waist. "I love you so much."

"Oh, Harry, I love you." Hannah smoothed her hands on his still-wet, muscular biceps, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "So much."

Harry's heart was beating so fast. He loved his Hannah so much. And she said she loved him too! So he kissed his Hannah. Because he was Hannah's husband.

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