Chapter XVII - And Ever (Now) Part 1

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A/N: This is the last chapter of Escape. 😭
But I've decided to write it in parts. 😄
There are four, maybe five.
I love my Readers, Commenters and Voters!

***Three Years Later

It was a busy Friday morning for Hannah Styles. She greeted several regular customers and had quite a few new ones. She loved the friendships that blossomed and she liked meeting new faces as well.

As she waved goodbye to one of the customers, Hannah leaned against the counter and she took in a breath. She let it out and smiled. Because the space was filled with delicious smells, sweet and savory.

Hannah had a little time in between serving the customers, so she stacked the menus by the counter, threw away a stranded crumpled napkin and tidied up the register. Then, she looked at the clock on the wall.


And the bell on the door chimed.


Hannah smiled at the sound of her three-year-old son's sweet voice. And she turned to the front.

"G'morning, welcome to Hannah Banana's!"

"G'morning, Hannah Banana." Harry stood in front of the counter. And his smile was so big. Because he was looking at the prettiest girl in the world.

Harry held Oliver's hand with his right hand. Because he carried their almost-one-year-old daughter, Darcy, in his left arm.

"Top o' the morning, Harry Blueberry." Hannah carefully leaned over the counter half-way.

So did Harry.

"I love you, Hannah."

"I love you, Harry."

Then, Hannah and Harry kissed. But not for long.


Giggles made Hannah and Harry stop kissing. They looked at their Darcy and kissed her cheeks. At the same time. And there were more giggles.

Darcy reached out for her mother and smiled. It was a Four Teefer Smile. Because she had two top teeth and two bottom teeth.

Hannah kissed her Darcy's cheek and held her on her hip.

Harry looked down on his right side. "C'mon, Ollie Pop, let's go say hi to your brother or sister."


Hannah and Darcy met them at the end of the counter. And she smiled even bigger. Because she felt so much love for her Harry, her Ollie and her Darcy.

Harry smiled and kissed his Hannah. "I love you, Hannah."

"I love you, Harry." Hannah smoothed her hand on her belly. Not only did she look five months pregnant, she was feeling it too.

Harry kissed his Darcy's cheek. "I love you, Darling Darcy."

Darcy giggled and pulled at her daddy's hair. A little too hard.

"Ow." Harry took his Darcy's hand and kissed it. "Be gentle, please."

Darcy giggled and started kicking her legs. Because her brother was tickling her bare feet.

Then Harry knelt down. He looked at his Ollie. And he kissed his cheek. "I love you, Ollie."

"I love you, Daddy." Oliver rested his arm on his daddy's shoulder. Because he was balancing on his toes. But he held on tight to his toy train. So he wouldn't lose it.

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