Chapter XVII - And Ever (Now) Part 4

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A/N: Hi, my lovely readers! 🤗
This is the last Chapter/Part
of Escape. 😭

You still might need some tissues...for a little bit. There's one line in here from Harry that prompted this whole scenario.
I'm. Done. 😩😭💔

Again, I'm not a medical professional (but I researched like crazy) so if something's wrong, pls let me know & I'll edit. Thx! ❤️

At 3:06AM, forty-five minutes after Hannah was taken by ambulance, the automatic sliding doors opened. And Harry and Zayn rushed to the front desk of New York Methodist's Emergency Room.

"My friend Hannah Styles, was brought here by an ambulance. She's pregnant."

"Your relation, Sir?"

Zayn looked over at Harry.

"I'm Hannah's husband." Harry slumped over the counter. And he cried. Because he remembered their wedding day. When they kissed. And danced. And, and, he was Hannah's husband. "Is s-she okay?"

"Let me check my computer."

Zayn patted Harry's shoulder. And he had to hold back his tears. He couldn't imagine what Harry was going through. All he could do, was be there for his best friend.

Then, Harry remembered.

"What about my baby, Zayn?" Harry squeezed his eyes shut and more tears fell. "My baby."

"I'm sure the doctors, are taking good care of Hannah and the baby, H."

"I have a Styles, Hannah checked in Trauma Room six."

Zayn and Harry started to walk away.

"Hold on, Sir. Only family is allowed in the room."

Zayn internally cursed. "Are you okay to go by yourself, H?"

Harry nodded and let out a breath. And he wiped away his tears. "I have to, I have to see my Hannah."

"Okay." Zayn hugged him tightly. "I'll be in the waiting area."

Harry nodded. And he rushed down the hallway. Until he found room number six.

Harry knocked on the door and opened it slowly. There were so many doctors walking back and forth. And there were so many sounds. Then, he saw her.

"Hannah!" Harry's eyes widened. And he rushed into the room.

A triage nurse held Harry back by his shoulders. "Sir, you can't-"

"No." Hannah reached out for her Harry. "He's my husband."

The nurse let go of Harry and he ran over to his Hannah.

Harry couldn't wrap his arms around his Hannah. Because she was lying down. So he held onto her shoulders and hugged her that way. Then he kissed her. And they cried. And they said how much they loved each other.

Then, Harry looked at his Hannah's belly. And his eyes widened. She was wearing different pajamas. But she wasn't covered up. And there were two belts around her belly. So he carefully placed his hand in between the belts. And he gave his baby a kiss.

"It's okay, baby. Daddy's here."

Hannah whimpered, closing her eyes. "God, please don't let me lose the baby."

Harry looked up at his Hannah. He was confused. So he thought for a second.

"Hannah, if you lose our baby, I will help you look."

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