ii. lies || part one

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ii. Lies || part one

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For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth . . . - Bo Bennett

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                                                    Mum used to say; if you lie once about one thing, you lie about everything. Of course, I didn’t what that quote meant when I first heard it as a child no older than seven. At first I thought it was punishment for lying about not stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. But gradually over the years, I finally understood what she meant.

But this situation I was dragged into; that’s a whole different story than the cookie incident when I was seven. The more lies I tell her and Lily; the more I feel guilty by the second. My thoughts were soon interrupted by my Nokia’s ringtone.

Grace de Elliot

Hey, Maria! Guess what? I’m going to Mikayla Smith’s concert at Rod Laver Arena tonight!!! How exciting is that?! I wish you could come, but I know you. You’re probably at work tonight, well ttyl


As much I wanted to tell her the ugly truth about the perfect Mikayla Smith and she’s not what she seems; but I restrain myself from doing that as I press the small buttons of my phone.

Maria Wilson

Well, I’m glad ur going to Mikayla’s concert. You deserve it, well hav fun then Grace!


Satisfied with the text; I press the send button. By the time I send the text, I began to worry what time it was. So I quickly took a glance at the clock on the wall; my eyes widen with surprise and stress. It was half past six. I barely remember receiving the text almost six minutes ago.

“Shit.” I cursed rather loudly.

Using all of my strength and energy, I stood up effortlessly and began sprinting like Cathy Freeman in an Olympic race. I sprinted pass the doorway of the living room in a swift move as I headed to my bedroom door which was just three steps away from the living room. Good thing my bedroom wasn’t that far.

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I decided not to change my outfit since I only had less than four minutes till George came here;. So instead I did a small touch up with my make-up before I grabbed my rucksack which was on my bed. As soon as I was done with my make-up and I grabbed my rucksack; I made a quick dash to my bedroom door; I didn’t bother or really care what I looked or how well my outfit suits me, as long as I had clothes on and a bit of make-up, I was satisfied.

Just as I stepped out of my room, a sleepy voice startles me. “Maria? Where are you going?” It was Mum; I turned around to face her as she yawns. Think of an excuse, Wilson, my subconscious added.

“Oh, um, I’m. . . going. . . to, um, w-work.” I stuttered as I looked down at my shoes like they were fascinating thing on the planet. Oh I’m so dead.

My mum examined my expression like if I were a crucial part of an investigation. “Oh, okay. For a second, I thought there was a burglar in our house making all that noise. Try keeping it down a little next time.” She explained in reply I simply nodded. She turns around and heads down the corridor to her bedroom. I was pretty surprise what she said; I was expecting her to be more specific where I was going. Maybe, just maybe I was just lucky for once.

I quickly shook off my thoughts as I paced down to the front door. I placed my pale hand on the cold metal door knob as I unlocked the door; I quickly stepped out and searched my pockets for the keys. After searching through my pockets, I finally came across them. I rapidly put the key inside the small hole and twisted it around til I heard a satisfying click.

I turn around to face the direction where the pathway was as I began to walk. But I was soon startled by a familiar accent. “Well, well isn’t Maria Wilson. Late as always are we?” I would never thought I would hear his arrogant voice again. I looked up and saw him near the dead roses that looked like they haven’t been watered in centuries.

“What brings you here, Smith?” I scoffed as I approached him.

“Well, I’m here to pick you up; requested from father himself. Of course, I didn’t object the offer.  Aren’t I gentleman?” He commented in an irritating posh accent. I ignored his arrogant comment as I strode past him and approached the black obsidian limousine.

As I approached the motor vehicle; a large muscled hand grips on my right shoulder which made me stopped from walking. My breath hitched until I heard an all too familiar laugh booming through my eardrums.

“Sorry to scare you there.” He says trying to hold back his laughter from my startled expression.

I turned my head to my right and relief washed over me like a wave when I realise it was just Mac the chauffeur. My all-time favourite chauffeur to be exact, I added to my thoughts. I slapped his gigantic hand away from my shoulder and as expected, he removes his grip from my poor aching shoulder.

He opened the car door as a smile formed on my lips before I muttered, “Thank you,” to him; as a sign of gratitude. In return, he gave me some sort of salute just as I entered the elegant-looking limo. To my surprise and dismay; the limo had a small disco ball in the middle that span around and underneath the disco ball was a tray of beer.

I scoffed at the sight of the tray of beer. Typical George, I thought as I scooted over to leave some room for that jerk. I wonder what’s taking him so long. I mean, I don’t like him or anything, it’s just the fact I can’t leave him since he came to pick me up in the first place. So it’s rather rude for me ditching him.

Impatient as how I am and short-tempered; I exited the limo only to find George Smith on his phone. On his bloody phone! He was still near the dead flowers, which I half expected half wished he wasn’t there. He kept walking back and forth as he kept talking about something that I didn’t want to know about.

Without thinking; I ran up to him, he didn’t notice my presence until I snatched his iPhone from his hand and ended the call. My first instinct was to run to the limo; so I did. I didn’t bother looking back; but I did want to see his reaction, but I decided not to.

But I before I realised or even noticed; I had passed the limo and I was right in the middle of the road. For a second, I thought the street was empty and cleared of vehicles; but much to my dismay, I was wrong as always. As I heard a loud honk coming in closer and faster than what I had expected.


I’m so sorry this was late, really. I’m really sorry though.

I know you guise expected it last week, but I had some issues with the internet so I couldn’t update.

I’m sorry if this caused any problems and I’m sorry if it’s confusing.

and the chapter was too long so i divided it into two

-          Patricia x

I dedicate this to @cuddlelouis. She is bloody amazing, cool and awesome friend. And her username makes me jealous. Anyways I love you Maxine xxx

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