Bigger Opportunities

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For the first three years of my life, my mother's two main focuses were taking care of me and the new bookstore job she luckily found six months after giving birth. As much as she wanted to continue to become an actress, she had to put it on hold for the time being in order to handle her responsibilities. We continued to live with my grandparents in their Beverly Hills home until a week after my fourth birthday. My mom had been saving up for a townhouse a couple of blocks away from my grandparents and the wait was finally over for my mom and I to pack up and move in.

I cried for about a week after moving because we weren't going to be living with my grandparents anymore. I threw fits and refused to give hugs and kisses to my mom whenever she tried to comfort me. I spent most of my time in my room playing with my dolls and coloring while my mom did most of the unpacking along with my uncles and my grandma helping her. Once we were officially settled in, my mom made the decision to start going back to auditions. Some were set out of state and I would have to go stay with my grandparents mostly one week every other month in order for my mom to make it out there.

Things were a lot different. My mom was now in movies and small parts on television shows. I saw my mom less because of it and gosh how I missed her so much when she was away. I didn't understand back then that she was trying to make a living for the both of us. Seeing her on tv was pretty interesting, but I rather have her be with me. Not that I didn't like being with my grandparents. They were so much fun. Grandpa Mickey taught me how to swim at three years old and told me stories about his native country of Hungary. My grandma Ellen would always let me help her in the kitchen every time she would bake a cake or pies. I would crack the eggs and stir for her. My favorite part was licking the spoon afterwards.

Now I know it sounds like my mom was barely around and that my grandparents were basically the ones who raised me, but that's not entirely true. My mom made time for just the two us. When my mom was home, we would play throughout the day. We would have tea parties with little sandwiches my mom would make ahead time and pretend that the apple juice we had in our cups was tea. Also we would play dress up. My mom would get out her old dresses from when she was a little girl and put them on me. They were a little big, but I loved it. We would pretend we were princesses that were going to ball. My mom would play music and we would dance all around the living room. As I think about it now, if I had the chance to go back in time in any part of my childhood, it would be those moments with my mom.

By 1991, things were starting to look up. My mom ended up quitting her job at the bookstore after a 6 year long run and landed a role as officer Angela Garcia on the short-lived television show "Tequila and Bonetti". The location of the set was so close to home and I was glad to see my mom every night after a day of working on the show. The show premiered the following year, but it only lasted four months. That didn't stop my mom from trying even harder. Throughout 92' and 93', she again secured small roles in different shows, but finally in the fall of 93', my mom got a lead role as Etta Place in the hit movie series "The Gambler V: Playing for Keeps." The set was filmed in New Mexico.

At this point in time, I was eight years old and I just started the third grade. I knew that I would have to go with my grandparents while my mom would be away filming, but something inside of me told me that I should go with her. I've had never went with my mom to any of her gigs. Something was just telling me that this time could be my chance to see my mom in action. I've always admired my mom playing different characters on tv, but I was curious on how the film crew actually did their jobs.

About two weeks before my mom had to leave for New Mexico, I had came from my room and into my mother's room. She was in her closet grabbing clothing from hangers and tossing them on her bed where her suitcases were. "Mommy," I said. "Yes sweetheart," she responded without giving me any eye contact.  I hesitated at first. This was going to be the first time I would actually ask my mom if I could go with her. I was pretty sure she was going to say no, using the 'you have school' excuse. I began biting my bottom lip and tapping my foot. I was getting anxious. I didn't know how long I stood there without saying a word because I was surprised that I didn't notice that my mom was now kneeled down in front of me, looking concerned. " KJ, what's wrong baby?," she asked. I looked down at the ground and without any warning, I began to cry.

My mom pulled me close to her, wrapping her arms tightly around me. "Don't worry KJ. It's only for a few months, but they will be gone before you know it. I promise to bring you lots of presents when I get back, okay?" She released her hug and looked at me straight in the eyes. I didn't want to blow my chances in not asking her. "Mommy," I choked up, "I want to go with you this time." At first, she smiled and then kissed  me on the forehead. "I'm sorry baby, but you have school." I knew she would say that! I wasn't going to back down. I knew I had to do everything in my will power to convince her to let me go. "Please mom," I begged. "I behave in school everyday, I eat all my vegetables, and even though I don't like the broccoli on my plate, I still eat it. I go to bed on time every night. I promise I will behave with you. Please can I just go?" I started doing the puppy dog eyes and pouted my bottom lip. There was no way my mom could say no to that!

My mom squinted her eyes at me while she gave a little smirk. "But what about your school? What about all the homework you would have to make-up if you were to go?" I paused for a moment to think. 'Is she tricking me' I thought. "Well," I began, "if I were to go, maybe I could go to school out there. You could  be at work and I could be in school." I wasn't going to stop there! This was going to be the ultimate home run. "Plus, I wouldn't want you to be out there far away missing me. We need to know that the other is okay. I love you mommy and I don't want you to go without me."

Smiling big, my mom once again embraced me in her arms. "Gosh, you're so adorable," she chuckled. I just stood there waiting for her to answer yes or no. I didn't like waiting. She took a few moments to look me up and down. "How bad are you going to miss me KJ?," she finally asked. "More than all the stars in the galaxy," I responded, "and there's lots and lots of them up there mommy. You can't go without me. Please?" My mom stood from her spot. "How about this KJ," she began, "Let me make a few phone calls right quick and I'll give you my final answer afterwards, okay? This will only take a moment." More like several moments!

After what seemed like forever, my mom hung the phone up and came back to kneel in front of me. She had a huge grin on her face. "You really wouldn't mind going to a new school if it meant that you could be with me in New Mexico?" Even though I didn't know what was going on, for some reason, I grinned back. "Anything to be with you mommy." Kissing the back of my hands, my mom looked at me and said, "Well, if that's what it takes, then so be it."  My eyes grew big. "I can go?," I asked. My mom smiled again. "I just got off the phone with the director and he said that it be okay for you to come, but you have to behave yourself over there. Do you understand?" I quickly nodded my head as I began to jump with joy and laugh hysterically. I then threw my arms around my mom and I tried to hug her as tightly as I could. "Thank you, thank you, thank you mommy!," I screamed. My mom laughed as she watched me. "You're welcome sweetie, but I will be busy most of the time, so guess who else is coming along for the trip?" "Grandma and grandpa?," I asked. She nodded her head with a smile. "Yay!," I screamed and hugged her again as she hugged me back.

"Why don't we start getting you ready for New Mexico, shall we?," my mom asked as she stood up and extended her hand for me to grab. I stood beside her and placed my hand in hers, looked up at her, and smiled. She winked at me and then we both made our way to my room to pack. Next stop: New Mexico!

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