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When I heard that name pass from Natalie's lips, I sunk in my seat. 'Did she just say what I think she said?' I asked myself. I started to put the missing pieces together. Alessio is my father's name and my father was a native of Italy just like Natalie's! Her father has a child he knows about and never had the chance to meet and I never met my father after he walked out on Mom and I. I couldn't believe it.

"Are you okay Keira Jayne?," Natalie called out to me. I didn't realize that I was crying. I wiped up my tears while I had my head down. There was only one way to find out if this was really all making sense to me. I needed to know that I wasn't crazy. "One m-more question," I managed to say while I choked up. Natalie was looking at me with full concern. "Ask away." I hesitated. I felt like I couldn't breathe. "Do you know the name of the woman that your father was in love with?" This time I actually held my breath. Natalie took a moment to think. "My dad never told me. He says that saying her name is forbidden. I think he's just hurt from all of it. I don't blame him."

'Darn it! Just my luck!' I stayed sunk in my seat while Natalie continued to talk. I really didn't listen to pretty much anything else she said. My mind was somewhere else. My mind was telling me that I could be possibly sitting in front of my older sister! "Hey Kiera Jayne?," Natalie said. I came to my senses again. "What's up?," I responded. "Did you hear what I asked you?" I shook my head. "Well I asked you once we're done filming tomorrow if you wanted to come to my house and have a sleepover? Do you think Jessi would let you come?"

Now I was floored. "Y-you want me t-to come over? T-to your house?" Natalie smiled. "Of course! I want us to have as much fun as possible before you go back home to the states. Do you want to come?" I didn't know how to answer. What I wanted to say was 'Natalie, you might be my sister!', but that would make her freak out just as much as me. "I, uh, yeah. Okay. Sounds great." 'What the hell?' What did I just get myself into? More and likely Natalie's father was going to be there and if he really is the Alessio my mom told me was my dad, then I wouldn't know how to react.

As the next morning came, I grew more and more nervous. I wasn't eating as much during the day, I rarely spoke a few words to Mom on the phone last night, let alone get a good night's sleep, and I kept messing up my lines. I was becoming a mess and everyone was noticing. Finally the evening came and as much as I wanted to cop out and cancel at last minute, I was also eager to go. I had to know that this was not a bad dream I was trapped in. I had to be determined.

Jessi dropped me off at Natalie's house around 6pm. The villa that Natalie lived in was very large and grand. It was so beautiful that I was almost brought to tears. After taking a moment to admire the beauty of the exterior work, I knocked on the door and my full attention was on the short moment of waiting for the door to open. 'Please let Natalie answer the door' I begged in my mind. My wish was commanded. The door swung open and Natalie stood with her pink silk pajamas on. "I'm so happy you made it Keira Jayne," she said with excitement as she gave me a hug. I went through two phases as she hugged me. One: I could be hugging my sister right now and two: If Natalie was my sister and her dad was my dad, both Mom and Grandpa Mickey were going to hear it from me one day. Mom because she knew my father had a child and didn't tell me about it and Grandpa Mickey because he was the reason my father was never in my life to begin with!

We walked inside and again I was in awe. Never could I have imagined that I would be standing in a real Italian villa! The creme colored walls gave the entrance a warm welcome for anyone who entered. As Natalie guided me through the living room and the kitchen, I kept my eyes alert for a man. Any man that could be Alessio. So far all I've seen were two women cleaning up the kitchen and a small dog running in the house. Natalie caught the dog and showed him to me. "His name is Rocket. He's always running around like a crazy thing and only settles down when he either goes to the bathroom, eats, or sleeps. Other than that, he's non stop!" We both laughed as she led me up the stairs. We had to have been about fifteen above the first floor.

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