Chapter 3

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I huffed dramatically as I neared my locker. I was already sick of the attention I was attracting. It almost made me miss the familiarity of being invisible.

Nonetheless, I was popular at my old school, so I had gotten a little used to it. This time, it was different. This time, the people knew who I was before. My classmates knew exactly how little confidence I had and how unattractive I was before.

I grimaced at the thought. Puberty works wonders.

It was the strangest thing, having these kind of mood swings. Not the type where I was sobbing over me dropping a piece of ice on the floor then giddily laughing at the puddle it was making.


I was constantly having these confident mood swings. I would be so cocky one minute, then so terrified the next. I needed to find an emotion and stick to it.

Hopefully not the latter option, no matter how much I wanted to.

Especially when I knew I had to face him.

I shuddered at the thought.

I thought about how humiliated I was that day. The missing major detail in the story of why I left.

I shook the thoughts from my head as I made my way to the cafeteria after dropping my bricks for textbooks in my locker.

The chattering voices grew louder as I approached the room. I pushed open the doors and scanned the room for the perfect table.

Here's the thing about the school lunch tables.

The grades naturally separated themselves from the others. Freshman sat on the far left, Sophomores sat in the middle, Juniors sat on the far right, and Seniors were either outside or left campus to eat.

Since I was a senior, I figured I might as well go outside to the tables.

Right away, I noticed Alex and Amber at the table with the stereotypical rich snobs. At this school, social standing was everything. If they thought for a second that you were a scholarship student, you were an outcast.

The richest here sat with the richest.

Unfortunately, the Three A's never believed I was part of the rich crowd. Since I was actually intelligent, they had the notion I was a scholarship student.

Speaking of the Three A's, my eyes ran over the table, looking for Aria.

Aria actually wasn't that bad. She was just influenced terribly by her friends.

The perfect analogy would be the Volturi.

Alex was more like Aro. She led them. Amber was similar to Caius in the way that she was hot headed and had a short temper. Aria was most definitely Marcus, the peacemaker.

I took a deep breath and made my way to the scholarship kids table. I noticed two tables full of kids laughing and messing around with each other.

I slowly walked, noticing how some of them looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Hi," I said meekly. By now, everyone had stopped their conversations to look at me. My heart pounded as I waited for someone to say something.

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