Chapter 4

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I hurriedly dropped my gaze and went back to eating my food. I couldn't help the memories that flowed through me when I locked eyes with him.

"Just kill yourself. You're nothing. You'll never be anything," he spat on my crying self.

I swallowed the feeling of my throat closing up, trying to rid myself of the waves of depression that hit me. In my sophomore year, Jared kept saying that it was possible he would be studying abroad in France for his senior year, which gave me little comfort when I came back to school here.

I guess that didn't work out.

Lily kept rambling to me, saying how I need to come to the huge back to school party that even the scholarship students were allowed to go on Saturday.

I nodded, not really absorbing everything she was saying. I didn't believe that I wanted to go to the party. Jared would be there; he was a huge partier.

But should I go?

As I thought over the question the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. I scrambled out of my seat, and collected my stuff. If I didn't go, I'd be missing out on the biggest party of the year. If I did go, maybe it would be a good chance to not only let go, but to maybe torment Alex a little. I waged the internal war for approximately three seconds before choosing.

At that moment, I decided to go to the party.

"Lily wait," I called out to her retreating figure. She turned around, a dazzling smile on her face.

"Come over to my house Saturday, we can get ready together," I spoke, already slightly regretting my decision to go.

She squealed and told me to text her later after I got her number. I rushed to class, already a few minutes late. Our AP Chemistry teacher, Mr. Randal, paired us up in tables by our last name.

The girl was nice enough. Her name was Sydney, and she hid her really gorgeous blue eyes under thick framed glasses, and she mostly hid behind her platinum blonde hair.

As class was beginning to settle down some, that same guy from the office and my AP English class walked in. A bored expression was plastered on his beautiful face, and he scanned the room, his eyes landing on me. His lips twitched at the corners, and I could tell he wanted to smirk.

What was his name? Like Lice or something?

"You must be Lyle Holmes," our teacher said, irritation seeping through his tone. I stifled a smile at Lyle's calm expression compared to Mr. Randal's pissed off one.

"Try not to be late everyday," he finished. Lyle nodded once, cockiness displayed on his face.

I really didn't like him.

Mr. Randal directed him to the the seat at the black table directly in front of me.

This year is going to suck.

The teacher explained mostly what we were going to do this year, not handing out any work, which I was extremely grateful for.

The rest of the day passed in a blur, and I was completely exhausted. I trudged over to my beautiful red motorcycle, a small crowd of girls around it.

"I wonder what guy drives this," one girl giggled.

"I bet he's hot," another said. The girls all screamed in agreement. I took them to be a handful of sophomores and freshmen.

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