Chapter 6 : The Boy part 2

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Lexi's P.O.V.

He tapped me on ghe shoulder again and asked "Are you buying that shirt?" Obviously pointing to the 5sos shirt on the wall.

"Yes, why?" I replied.

"Are you a fan of that band?" He asks.

"Yes, and why do you keep asking me questions?" I said.

" I was just wondering. Damn, dude chill" He says backing away, them slowly walks back and picks uo a Nirvanna shirt (the one he was pointing at).

"Can i see you again sometime?" He asks out of nowhere.

"What?!" I whisper-scream.

"Why are you whispering?" He asked." And asked 'can I see you again sometime?' "

"Well I am going to the concert tomorrow night, but I don't have backstage passes."

"Oh, well follow me but keep far back" he said and before we left he said "Wait let me get this for you" and took my shirt and bought it for me.


He has led me to his van and took out 1 backstage pass, and i said " I actually need 4, sorry, wait you know what never mind, I actually need to go." I say trying to change the subject.

"Here," and he handed me 4 backstage passes.

"Thanks, but i said 'never mind'.".


He had that serious face as I looked into his beautiful blue eyes that looked like diamonds shining in the light.

"Ok, but thanks " I say.

He then takes my phone from my BACK POCKET and TOUCHES MY BUTT on accident and says "Sorry i needed to put my number in your phone so we could keep in touch."

" But the concert is tomorrow night.","Can't you wait"

"No!","Are you crazy, if i leave you alone for 2 seconds, someone could already have someone as beautiful as you."

"Wait?! Did you just call me 'beautiful'?!" I ask him in shock.

"What am i not aloud to do that, call a beautiful girl 'beautiful' to her face?

"Well i guess......."," Damn it! Sorry but i have to go."

"Then guess I'll see you tomorrow, love, bye" i hear him yell as I speed walk to the hotel.

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