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Joseph's POV

I waited. It was like those TV series, where they would say, 'You'll find out after the break.' I was starting to get nervous. I didn't know what would I do if I lost Daisy.

" have.." I turned up. She saw that I was worried in my eyes.

I took deep breaths..

"I'm sorry, Joe. You got 9 marks out of 10. You've lost Daisy, I'm afraid."

I started to get upset and angry. This system was pointless! Why did I have to do a survey! I'm capable of looking after Daisy!

"Ok." I mumbled, before opening the door and slamming it. I walked to the front door, cussing. That's when I saw a post. It had a list of names of people who go to each school. I searched for Daisy's name.

'Delilah Smith - Village School.'

I wrote it down in my notebook and walked towards the car and drove off.


Daisy's POV

I peered out the window, pulling a large smile on my face.


He looked at me and walked towards me.

"Yes?" He looked curious and suspicious.

"He's gone. Lets go and see if he's coming back!" I screamed, opening the door and running towards the stairs. James ran behind me and we slid down the banister to the bottom.

"Woooohoooo!" We both yelled in excitement.

I skidded round the corner and ran towards the office, banging on the door.

"Come in." We heard a voice.

My heart sank. I saw my social worker. I hated her. It was like staring in a Tracy Beaker episode. I took a deep breath as James supported me.

"He isn't coming back?" I questioned. I felt nervous and sick.

She pulled a grin. "No. He failed his test. He isn't coming back." I screamed and ran, jumping in excitement. He didn't have to come back and I felt amazed. I hugged James and we both ran.

We ran into the kitchen. Taking out a large buffet and eating it. You see..we planned a party for when he left. It worked, so we could now party. I turned the CD player on and James and I started singing along. I got a hand full of popcorn, shoving it into my mouth and grabbing party hats from the cupboard. I placed one on James and myself. This was so much fun! Joe didn't have to come back!

A little kid came in from the other room. She was only five. I picked her up, swinging her around and placing her on a seat.

"You want a sandwich?" I smiled. She screamed and nodded her head. I handed her a variety of sandwiches. Cheese, ham, egg, jam..

I ate more and more. James was having fun too. Then before I knew it, everyone was in the room partying and dancing. They didn't have a clue why they were partying, it was amusing. James picked me up and placed me on the table. I stood up with a bowl of toffee popcorn.

"Quiet everyone!" I screamed. James lowered the volume of the music and suddenly, all I could hear was munching. I looked around and began my speech.

"Wait!" James shouted, handing me a microphone. I laughed, taking it from his crumbly hands.

"Does everyo-" I cut myself off. "Damn, this microphone is loud." Everyone started laughing. I carried on my speech. "Does everyone know why we're partying today?"

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