A Sneaky Plan.

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Kayleigh, James and I were sat at the back of the class room. The teacher was on about the school rules as some people didn't follow them. This was boring.

"I had a dream last night. A dream about 3 girls. The 3 girls were sat in a circle, talking about their future. It looked like me, you and this other girl. Anyway, a man came and handed the girl that looked like me a sweet. She took it, then she went with the man. He kidnapped her!" I explained to Kayleigh.

"You're just recovering from getting kidnapped twice. It's nothing." James rubs my arm.

"But, it couldn't be me or Kay, they were little. Like 8. We're 12. We were kidnapped at 12, not 8." I mention, facepalming and sighing.

"I guess if you ever had children, you keep them safe." James speaks.

I shot my eyes up at him. Maybe he was right. Maybe if I had children, I'd keep them safe. They could be kidnapped like me. Maybe I saw the future in my dreams, maybe the children were mine and Kayleigh's children.

"Yeah.." I mumble, waiting for the bell.

"Ew! I'm not having babies!" Kayleigh intrupts.

"Don't say ew. You and I both know it's going to happen." James chuckles.

"Shut up.' I slyly shout as the bell goes off.

"Daisy." James mumbles. "Don't be so mean."

I turn around.

"I'm not being mean! I'm just telling you to be quiet!" I don't know what had gotten into me. Suddenly, I was so mean and harsh.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, looking up.

There was no response from him so I walked out to the yard. It was cold, quiet, frosty. No one was outside apart from me. I sat underneath the willow branch and looked at everyone that eventually came running out with basketballs, skipping ropes, netballs..

"It's so cold." I whispered to myself, pulling down my jumper sleeves. Every time I breathed with my mouth open, I could see the mist fly out. It was so foggy. Where was James and Kayleigh though? I look around.

"I can't believe that hot teacher, Mr. Dale got fired. Why?" I hear a group of girls speak as they walk past me. If only they knew what he was really like. A pedophile, child abuser, kidnapper. I shiver at the thought of him and carry on searching around for Kay and James.

My eye catches them two. They're next to a wall. Kayleigh is looking around the yard as if she's nervous. James looks like he's complaining at her. I want to walk over. I stand up, but suddenly stop walking..

"No." I whisper to myself. Heart sinking slowly.

James takes hold of Kayleigh's hand. He pulls her into him, whispering into her ear. She's giggling. I learnt how to lip read ages ago. So I could possibly pick up what he was saying.

'Be mine.' Was I reading this wrong or was he saying this?

'Not here.' I can read what Kay is saying.

She takes hold of his hand as they go into our secret den inside. I run quietly to the den and peek through the secret hole I made. When we built this, I made a tiny hole so I could see when someone was coming. This hole was handy.

"I really like you." James whispered in Kayleigh's ear.

"And I really like you too." Kayleigh speaks, placing a kiss to his cheek.

Tears ran down my face as I slowly walked away. I know James and I weren't together, but we were really close. We even shared a kiss. But he likes Kayleigh?! Anger started to build up in me as I ran to the girls bathrooms. Break was over, but I didn't go to lesson. Instead, I stayed in a cubicle all lesson, crying my eyes out.

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