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Months later..

I fiddled with my fingers, sitting on the hard seat in the Doctors. I found it hard to breathe. I hope this was true. I hope I read it right. There was so many noises that went straight through my head. Beeping, crying, laughing, talking. I couldn't handle this. James took hold of my hand and squeezed it gently, trying to calm me down.

"Miss Smith?" A nurse spoke out loud, in the room. I looked straight up at the woman with a clipboard. I stood up and walked towards her, James holding on to me.

'It's going to be ok." James smiled, softly.

We both followed the woman to her office. Her office was very neat and tidy. I wish I had an office like this. James and I sat down, at the front of her desk, on 2 extremely comfy chairs. It felt so nice, considering I was sat on a rock hard chair for over 20 minutes.

"My name is Charlie Crossbay and do you know why we're here?" Charlie smiled. James and I smiled back and I nodded slowly. 

"You've been here for an awful amount of time, because we have been setting stuff up. We got your call, Miss Smith and you said you wanted to double check with this, properly. So, if you would like to follow me." The young woman smiled more, opening the door to lead us out. We headed to a room with a screen, monitor and a bed.

"If you would like to lay down." She pointed to the bed and I carefully rolled on to it. I lifted my shirt up, slowly, revealing my stomach. Charlie got some cream and smeared it around.

"Lets find out, shall we." She chuckled, taking hold of something unknown. It was like a scanner. She moved it around my stomach, looking back at the screen.

"Is this true?" I asked, desperate to see the screen.

Charlie smiled, turning the screen to face me. "Since you took the test 2 months after you had sex, miss Smith, we can now clearly see the baby. Not fully developed yet, of course, but congratulations, you're pregnant!"

I looked at my gorgeous baby from the screen. I was so emotional at times like this. Even watching this stuff on TV. I cried and cried. James not crying, yet shocked, surprised and pleased. I was having another child and I didn't know what to say or do. I guess all I could do, was cry and cry until I came over the fact I was pregnant. I was so happy and amazed.

The travel home was so emotional too. Another child. I'd personally want a boy, but I didn't mind a girl. I wonder what Alice would think of this. Would she be jealous, happy? Would she be angry and devastated?

We picked Alice up from Kayla's house and went home straight away. She kept asking me why I was crying, but I didn't want to tell her yet. I wanted to wait till we had all sat down in the warmth.

We all sat down in the living room. Alice with a hot chocolate, James with a coffee and myself with a tea. I eventually stopped crying, but I knew I would start again, after I shared the news. I looked at James, giving him the sign that it was time to tell Alice. He nodded and switched the TV off.

"Alice, love." I started, getting her attention from the confusion. She looked up at me.

"Yeah?" She replied, turning her body to face me.

"We went to the doctors today." Her expression was horrible. She looked so sad and worried.

"Why? What's happened? Is something wrong? Are you ok!" She stood up.

"Sit back down, Aliceboo." I loved how James gave Alice nicknames. They were cute and he occasionally used Aliceboo the most. She followed his orders and sat back down.

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