Chapter 5

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Emerys POV*
The party started a half hour ago and a lot of people were already wonky (🍺). Not me though I don't drink or anything ssoo yeah. I haven't seen Carly since the party started so I start looking for her. I couldn't find her so I just asked Haley, her best friend, and she told me Carly was in her bedroom. Haley wasn't much of a partier, when I talked to her she was on wattpad the whole time. I looked upstairs until I found carlys room. I quietly creaked the door open and saw her laying in her bed, watching Netflix and eating popcorn. I slowly knocked on the door and she said " come in" so I opened the door all the way. " hay" I said stepping in and half closing the door. "Hay, what are you doing up here? Did the party get boring?" She said stuffing her face with popcorn. I laughed and said  "yeah, everyone's wonky" she laughed at my word " wonky" she laughed. " shut up" I laughed and walked over to her bed where she sat. " may I" I said pointing to her bed. She nodded. So I sat awkwardly on her bed glancing at the tv, " watcha watchin" I asked. She looked at me and smirked " dance moms" I groaned " oh hush" she said playfully punching my arm.

Omg I feel like I've been writing forever but it's ssssoooooo short. Plus it's like 3:30 in the morning here ssoooo yeah,I'll try to make the next chapter longer. Thanks for reading. Please comment and vote and please follow me❤️

Twisted Cinderella (Emery Kelly A.U)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz