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Italics: Dream
Bold: Thoughts

Y/N Dream:
All I see is a field with a dark black sky filled with millions of stars. From here I feel the fresh air along the tall grass dancing with it. Something that is all too familiar now. This dream has been happening for a while. And I don't know why. Walking around I see a figure standing. The figure was a small petite body, maybe close to a teenager. I got close you see a girl. She was stunning. Her hair was long and black as the sky, her eyes were a bright dark red, while these dark colors made her stand out, her skin was the most surprising part: pale white. This is new. She looked a lot like me, but the eyes were different. I noticed the girl was wet, maybe it had rained or she had been swimming in the river that is near by, but then I saw something that made me freeze; blood stains in every arm nd leg plus on her gown. Now filled with concern I decide to approach her to ask if she was okay. I immediately stopped dead on my tracks when I saw a black horse approaching the girl. The horse was heading at a very fast speed but it ends up haltin in front of the girl...

We noticed the girl looking at the rider who turns to look at him to smile... I felt my heart skip a beat.... WHAT THE? The girl was giving her full attention to the person. Getting off was a dark figure, hidden underneath a black cloak but I cld catch a glimpse of his eyes; hazel-brown eyes. The man approached the girl without a sign of fear and hugged her. Takin this as a sign I decided to leave so I don't invade any privacy but then 'I feel scared' causes me to turn around to look at them. I heard this in my head. Then to a surprise, I noticed that the girl was shaking, meaning that she was crying...
Girl: I'm scared... -crying in his chest- I'm soo scared...
Boy: -hugging her- My love... Do not fear... I'm here.
Girl: I am not good for you... I will bring disgrace nd death to you... -looks at the ground-
Boy: I do not care! -picks her chin up- I am in love w you nd nothing in the world can change this feeling!

This voice sounded like a 20-21 year old teenage boy, but the sincerity in his voice got to me... The sound of his voice made me feel safe... His words were kind nd warm. Somehow it was making my heart feel happy, but it stopped feeling like that when I heard 'We cannot be' in my head. Why am I hearing this... From who?

Girl: My love, please... I only wish to protect you... You are the only light in my dark cruel world... I don't want to see you get hurt...
Boy: I will not get hurt -reveals his face- yu r my reason for living! I am a living person and not a killing machine... Because of yu...Yu gave me a reason to change, to live...
Girl: Min Yoongi -caressing cheek-
'His name is Yoongi... Its a very interestin name but why does the name sound so familiar... Why does my heart hurt? He is a very handsome guy... I was close to the age probably around 20, but wow was he captivating to look at... Wait what?!'
Girl: I am a monster... I cannot offer you a normal life.. I dnt wish to drag you into this bloody battle...
Yoongi: Y/N... I do not wish for a normal life, if you r not in it... Id rather not live!
Girl: My love... -smiles w a tear falling- I love you, Yoongi...

'MY NAME WAS SAID... I finally decide to go around to get a look of her face nd wat I see surprised me!!! It was... Me...!'

(Whoo I did it I hope its not confusing :D hope yu guys enjoy let me know if I shld make it happen cuz this was random :D thanks)

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