Chapter 4

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Sigh.... What a long day, I swear school is hell for me... Last block I got ganged on by the mega bitch. It's not my fault Yoongi wanted me to give him a tour. At least all I got was a threat telling me to back away since Yoongi is now her 'target' to seduce. Poor Yoongi. If I can avoid trouble by avoiding him, I'll have to do it. I think about the morning, with the necklace, that is still on my neck.
I reach my locker and as I open it a note falls. What the?
Hey, please meet me at the gym after class. I have something important to tell you. I'll be waiting.  -Yoongi
Why would he want to see me? Important?? Should I? No I told myself I would avoid him. Ani! I should go and give him the necklace.... I don't see why I should keep it.
So I head to the gym...
I open the doors and I see a figure standing in front of me. Was Yoongi wearing a hoodie? I don't recall this...
"Yoongi?" I call nervously. Something isn't right.
I close my eyes, and suddenly the figure disappeared. What the?! I turn around to see the figure at the door locking it. With chains!! Okay, I am officially freaking out!!
"What are you doing??"
I suddenly see him turn, I can't see his face, but now I know he isn't a student?!
"Just one bite" I hear him say. Bite? What is he saying?
I start backing away when I suddenly see him lift his face... His eyes!
I see his eyes, bloodshot red. I'm frozen, what is this person?! As he appeared in front of me I sprayed him the spray I always carry in my pocket. He falls to the floor screaming in pain. He then starts screaming but he still gets up to try and grab me, I immediately bolt for the office and lock myself in. I don't know how I managed but I did it.

Yoongi POV
I get out of class, and I decided to wait for Y/N after class. I still have that nasty feeling someone sinister is roaming around. I wait by the entrance of the school where students are meant to get out from. 10 minutes and still nothing... Where is she? I then noticed the bitch from the morning was in front of me.
"Hey wanna go clubbin with the cheerleaders, it will be fun and that way you can make friends" she was asking with such an annoying voice.
"No now please do me a favor and leave me alone" I leave her with her cursing. Ha if only she knew I didn't give a fuck. There is only one woman that I love, and that woman is Y/N. I suddenly had a bad feeling in my chest. Something isn't right. I managed to track her scent to the gym. I tried to open the door. It's locked. Y/N?!
I start kicking the door to break the chain but it isn't working!! Fucking hell. I hear the screaming of that man, I won't let you take her. I aim for the roof, and with no hesitation I break the window. What I see made me lose my humanity for a bit. Y/N is bleeding. Her blood. It made my eyes change and I charged at the asshole, pulling him off her and killing him with no mercy. TOUCH HER YOU DIE!! 


"OPEN THE DOOR YOU BITCH!" I hear him yell, and bang on the door. I don't know what to do. All of a sudden... I don't hear anything, I thought I was safe, but then---- the window was broken. I am immediately pinned on the floor, by this insane man. The windows are not easily broken! What the fuck is he?!
"If I have a little bit of your blood... The chosen ones blood, I could gain power"
I am struggling to get him off me, who is he?! Chosen one--- what the hell?!!!
"Get off me!!" I am screaming and yelling at him, but nothing seems to work. I suddenly feel a pain in my shoulder. His nail just dug completely into my skin, making me bleed.
"Your blood will give me the power I desire, blood princess"  he said as he dug deeper.
All I feel is my blood flowing out of me. I'm suddenly growing weaker... I feel my world going dark, suddenly I feel no weight on me. The guy is off me? Before I pass our I see a dead body, that crazy man's body...and Yoongi coming towards me, his eyes blood red as well. Suddenly my world goes dark.
'What have you done'

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