Chapter 6

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Yoongi POV

"Do you want the truth?" I asked again. She seems to be frozen in her spot so I decided to ever so slowly, caresses her cheek.
"Do you want to know how is it I know so much from you even though we just met." I play with her hair, loving the feeling of her hair, again.
"Why don't I push you away?" I feel her breath, slowly changing on me, I'm having an effect on her again.
"Think deeper Y/N," I whisper in her ear, "do you want me to move away?" I have my hands intertwined with mine. I hope this triggers something in her mind. A memory, if anything.
"Are you the guy from my dreams?" I hear her whisper ever so slowly, thinking that I wouldn't hear, but I heard every word.
"You dreamt about me?" I asked, chuckling a bit, I know it isn't funny, but I didn't think she would dream of me so soon. "I don't know, why don't you tell me Y/N?" I slightly laugh.
She buries her face in my chest, I can feel her pulse racing, oh my god this is all too familiar, except it was me back then...whose heart would race.
"Just who are you, Yoongi"
I pick up her chin, to make her look at me. I remember her like if it was still yesterday, back in our era. That era...
I slowly lean closer, to try and reconnect with those lips when I suddenly hear someone open my door.
I pull away, much to Y/N disappointment who thought I was going to kiss her, AND I WAS BUT SOMEONE HAD TO RUIN IT!
"Wait here, Y/N and no matter what you hear... You make a run for that window and head into the woods."
"But-" she started, but I look at her, seriously and a bit cold, "I mean it Y/N... You leave if you hear anything bad!" She slowly backed away, and slowly nodded. I'm sorry but it's the only way to make her, hopefully listen.

I head slowly, keeping my ears alerted for the slightest breath, whomever this person is.... Has skill. Suddenly, I heard the magical click, a gun. Ha, looks to me a hunter was sent.
I dart towards the sound to be met with a face, I regret ever knowing. This bastard.
"You have gotten better." He smirked slowly pointing the gun at me.
"Ha you think I fear your gun, please save me the effort... How the hell did you find me." I wished I never met him, I hate to admit that he is the reason why I am here, but I thought I lost them. Agh!
"Is that a way to treat the man who brought you back?" He lowers his gun and puts it away, "I just wanna chat."
"Well I don't, now get your ass out of my house before I break your bones."
"I bring you back from the dead, and you treat me like this... Such bad manners." He sits on the couch, making himself comfortable. I let a low menacing growl. He is pissing me off!
"I'm giving you a chance, Yoongi. Come back to the organization." He flat out states. That mad house. Fuck that!
"We need you... You are our only chance of succeeding. This world needs you..." The world needs me...? Trust me I think I am saving it!
"I don't wanna have anything to do with you, you humans are sick to the head! Get it, SICK!"
"Aish who will make you see that our research will help humanity! Imagine the army, an army who can protect us from anything, an army practically immortal and---"
"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! I am not giving myself to you to create vampires to work for your own greed" I interrupted.
"Ha what if I don't give you an option?" He smirked.
"Ha! How would you make that happen, you may be a hunter, but don't forget I AM ONE AS WELL BITCH!"
"Yoongi, I know your weakness..." He slowly starts circling around me, trying to find an opening, but I ain't giving him any. What is he saying? Weakness, combat weakness?
"What the hell you going on about?! You---"
"You aren't alone here are you"
I froze. That bastard...

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