Scorpio(f) X Gemini(m)

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Hi! This was requested by VocaloidSavage so here we go!!! 😝

(Also, as much as I find this ship pretty cool I'm sorry but I don't ship it quite yet, and it won't feature in Zodiac High 😢 I'm honoured to do this one shot for you though!)

"So, Scorpio..."


"I have a question to ask!"

Scorpio grimaced, "Oh dear Lord."

"Would you..."


The teen could tell he was annoying the dark haired girl and he smirked in delight, "Would you like..."

"Gemini for the last time-"Scorpio growled.

"Will ya go on a date with me?"

Scorpio gritted her teeth and looked at the turquoise haired boy, who was smiling cockily. Practically snarling, she replied "No, I will NOT go on a date with you, you are an annoying, arrogant, selfish, two faced d*ck, and I wouldn't go out with you if you where the last boy on earth!"

Gemini's grin didn't falter. The Emo's words barely touched him. It was like a ray of light surrounded him, full of energy and positivity, radiating happiness and it defended him against the harsh black arrows being spat from Scorpios mouth. In some way Gemimi deserved it-pestering the lone girl everyday, in class, at lunch, even to and from school, talking and laughing and begging her to go out with him. At first it started off as a joke, to see if the freak would go on a date with him, but soon it turned into something....more. A kindle of friendship had been sparked through their reactions and now Gemini came to her with purpose.

Unfortunately, she seemed to hate his little visits. Scorpio didn't want to talk and laugh and go out with him-she was completely fine, happy almost, in her own little bubble of sketching and Fall Out Boy and loneliness. It just seemed to drive Gemini more and more though when he saw her like that. He had friends, company that liked him and helped him, had his back wherever he went. Who did Scorpio have?

Maybe that's why she was so harsh and cold. Having no social interaction what so ever, maybe she didn't know how to be a good friend-kind, caring, loyal. Maybe she didn't know how to be a friend.

Or maybe she just found him annoying.

Anyway, he was used to it by now. Gemini simply raised his eyebrows and gave her a sly smirk, which made the girl scowl at him before thundering away, a murderous look on her face.

He sighed almost wistfully. It could be him being the problem. After all-he was a jock, a star Rugby player, and major playboy. Scorpio was right, he had been two faced, seemingly nice to some people then backstabbing them later on, and manipulative with a hot, angry temper. But through talking to her, Gemini learned to change. He vowed to never make the same mistakes he had in his past again, and all because of her. Seeing the light, the hope inside her, hidden by the darkness and hate pushed on her by people like him, made him need to change.

If only she would see that.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the tiny hallway. Usually it would be tightly packed, the smell of sweat and people infiltrating your nose, pupils pressing against you and the walls coming tighter and together into you, but it wasn't at this time of day. This was one of the only times Scorpio could get to her locker without having a panic attack from the closeness of everything.

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