Types of Fangirls

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These are the types of FanGirls I think the signs would be!

Aries-This first FanGirl is probably the most dramatic of the bunch, reading fanfics and always finding something incredibly exciting to say in the comments. Known for going into extreme detail, they can praise, or often rant for paragraph after paragraph, usually about something quite insignificant. In fact, they are the ones to write 'rant books', those stories on Wattpad complaining about terrible movie adaptations and sequels to their beloved books. Don't get me wrong, they are all horrible-The Last Airbender anyone? *shivers*. They love to give criticism and tips for their fellow FanGirls about writing and so on forth, even though they have only written a few unsuccessful ones themselves.
Favourite Genre-Teen Fiction/Mystery
Favourite Platform-Wattpad
Favourite Fandom-Pretty Little Liars
Taurus-An avid fanfic reader and writer, a Taurus FanGirl is apart of many, MANY fandoms. They ship hundreds of ships, but they guard them like they are their babies and will destroy anyone with a good banter battle if they dare say their ship will sink. They love to write fanfics, and have many ideas swimming about in their heads, but find after the first chapter or so is written and published they find it hard to complete a story.
Favourite Genre-Action/Romance
Favourite Platform-Fanfiction.net
Favourite Fandom-Too many
Gemini-A Gemini FanGirl has strong expectations of a story, and like to read fanfics with mostly the same plot lines. Are constantly changing their minds on ships, but will always have a particular character (often a handsome male) they love to ship with EVERYONE, including themselves. They will write fanfics about the adored hottie x reader, as that's really the only constant ship in their lives.
Favourite Genre-Romance/Tradgedy
Favourite Platform-Just the Internet in general
Favourite Fandom-Titanic
Cancer-Dabbles in both fanfic and fanart, they are the shy type that keeps their fan work to themselves and doesn't like to publish it online. A lover of short, sweet oneshots about their one and only O.T.P, when a Cancer FanGirl writes one of these it will get ALOT of attention because they are just so adorable, especially if they draw a matching fanart pic and post it along side. However, though their strength comes in fluff, the can't handle lemon fanart or the dreaded M rated fanfiction (because they are just so naïve) and will desperately stay away from that dark, dark corner of the internet
Favourite Genre-Fluffy Romance
Favourite Platform-DeviantArt
Favourite Fandom-My Little Pony
Leo-They are complete trolls. Browsing all fanfics and fanart, they will declare in the comment section they could do 'so much better' and that piece of work 'is terrible' when really they have never done anything creative in their whole lives. Sometimes though a Leo FanGirls harsh criticism can help people do better with their next piece of work and they can realise their true potential. Often a supporter of the dashing male lead and their brave acts of heroism, if they were to ever write a fanfic, let's just say it would be very unrealistic...
Favourite Genre-Action/Adventure
Favourite Genre-The Internet in General
Favourite Fandom-Maze Runner (though watched the film before the book series)
Virgo-A Virgo FanGirl is the Hermione of a Fandom. They know everything and anything about their beloved series, and will fight anyone who says not, as well as anyone saying their usually canon O.T.P  won't sail. Classy and welcomes all Nerds with a sarcastic heart, they write incredible fanfics, often sequels, prequels and 'what if' situations inserted with their OC about their fandom. They put a TON of hardwork and determination into their fanfics, and after only a few stories will gain quite the recognition on many sites.
Favourite Genre-Romance/Sci-fi
Favourite Platform-Wattpad
Favourite Fandom-Harry Potter
Libra-The creative dreamer that flows through the internet, a Libra FanGirl is known for their fanart and musical talent-making original music for fanimators or singing covers of their favourite fandom songs. Their musical work is then often released on YouTube, causing them to be very successful and having thousands of subscribers. A huge Romantic, with their work always inspired by love, they are less experimental with shipping crazy ships, usually just cannon ones. They are very relaxed with their ships though, not shoving it in other fans faces trying to prove it being the right ship like most FanGirls, instead acting as peace maker and sorting out fights and serving Justice to those wronged by trolls.
Favourite Genre-Romance
Favourite Platform-YouTube
Favourite Fandom-Star Vs the Forces of Evil
Scorpio-The nitty gritty writers of multi-fandoms, these FanGirls are incredibly talented. They can twist and turn your favourite cartoon as a child into a dark thriller fanfiction with 30 chapters of mystery. A Scorpio FanGirl is a conspiracist, coming up with reasons behind the actions of the most simple and cute characters, making them into complicated beings with a dreadful past. And their certainly un afraid of the dirtier side of fanfiction, writing the occasional smut chapter for their older audience readers, as no FanGirl younger than sixteen could read a Scorpios murderous tales without certainly being traumatised. Also, you might want to remember to never go against their ships-you don't want to know what happens if you do.
Favourite Genre-Dirty Romance/Horror
Favourite Platform-Wattpad
Favourite Fandom-Game of Thrones
Sagittarius-A Sagittarius FanGirl loves to laugh. They are the fanfic writers who do the joke books, searching the internet far and wide for the best jokes in many fandoms, and putting them in different books. More often than not they are the ones to step back and just read the fanfics, not competing to be the best fanfic writer there is. They love the older fanfics, the orginals, the classics, and the day the do write a fanfic it will be inspired by them.
Favourite Genre-Comedy
Favourite Platform-Wattpad
Favourite Fandom-Star Wars
Capricorn-At first these FanGirls are quite against the idea of actually being a FanGirl, because after being introduced to our unique culture they decide they are too normal and think we are too weird. They are wrong of course, and figure it out when they show their FanGirl friend a 'story' they wrote about the next episode of Sherlock. They'll be quite shy when finally getting an account, but with encouragement they will publish their stories and the sarcastic, creative and wonderful Capricorn FanGirl will come to be. Their guilty pleasure is writing and reading smut, more reading about it, so they can, er, improve their skills, but when they do write it will be a masterpiece *cough cough about Johnlock cough cough*. Unfortunately, they will never publish it because it's simply too erotic.
Favourite Genre-Romance/Mystery
Favourite Platform-Fanfiction.net
Favourite Fandom-Sherlock
Aquarius-Just like their normal counterparts, an Aquarius FanGirl is very weird. First of all, they are not that driven by Romance (I know shocking) and they don't tend to read fanfics. Instead they are the fanimators-using their artsy side to make short fan films about their fandom. For the music they will usually have the help from original music artists, for copyrighted reasons of course, but every now and then they will do a remix of a song from the show and let me tell you, they are wicked. Unlike the fanfic writers they can't update all the time, only every few weeks and even months, but their dedicated following on YouTube don't mind because an Aquarius FanGirls work is such high-quality, especially if they release on of their tracks on iTunes
Favourite Genre-Sci-fi
Favourite Platform-YouTube
Favourite Fandom-Docter Who
Pisces-Cute and quirky, they come up with the weirdest ships, and although people are judgemental they are quick to forgive when they see their fanart. They are amazing, and if they had the time they would make more but a Pisces FanGirl finds themselves easily distracted by the blissful Romance stories and other fanart on DeviantArt instead. They also like hopping from fandom to fandom, as they are exposed to so much material, so they ship a hundred and one ships which seems to drag them deeper and deeper into their little creative bubble. Also, you will know it's Pisces FanGirl in the comments if they are having a 'FanGirl Attack'-no need to explain what THAT is.

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