Superhero Powers!

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These are superhero powers I think the signs would have!

Aries-Fire Bending (Ability to control fire/lava and at will)
Taurus-Geomancer (Using power to lift rocks/pebbles/dirt/sand/mud, send them flying at opponent)
Gemini-Shapeshifting (Changing DNA to morph themselves into figures they have seen, however eye colour and fingernails always stay the same)
Cancer-Invisibility (Changing DNA to blend into the world around them, much like Chameleons. Also like the reptiles their body changes colour to reflect their mood)
Leo-Beast (Changing DNA to morph into a Beast. Unlike a Shapeshifter that's the only thing they can change into, and they can't do it at will-only when something angry or upsetting triggers them)
Virgo-Universe Hopper (Can open portals into infinite Parallel Universes and dimensions)
Libra-Flight (Large feather wings to soar them over the sky)
Scorpio-Basically a Demon
Sagittarius-Speed (Uses heat to vibrate their own molecules and run incredible fast lengths. They can even go through physical objects)
Capricorn-Telepath (Can read people's minds through their eyes-their own eyes and the ones being read glow yellow when this is happening)
Aquarius-Water Bending (Controlling water/liquid to move)
Pisces-Underwater Power (A shiny mermaid tail and gills, can swim incredibly fast and lure people to their watery graves by singing)

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