Tagged (yay)

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So, I'v been tagged by _sMiLe to do 13 facts about myself. Yay? I'v never been tagged before, so this is quite interesting but I'm not really a fan of tags as they are often not that exciting. Maybe this will change my mind? So erm, let's a go go!

(Also, yes this is chapter 16. Chapter 15 is the Gemini (m) X Scorpio (f) oneshot I'm working on requested by VocaloidSavage . I'm so sorry for being so slow with the oneshot, I promise to get it uploaded soon! Thanks for being so patient!)

1. I'm British. I live in England in the UK (British people can be Scottish and Welsh ya know!) and no, I don't drink tea and eat crumpets left right and centre. I don't like tea (which makes me a burden to my Grandma) but crumpets are GORGE

2.Speaking of crumpets, I love food. Like, it's my best friend. My mum will say "Guys, I bought TWO packs of crisps at Morrisons (UK equivalent of Wallmart or some American grocery shop) on MONDAY. It's now FRIDAY and they are ALL gone?! Who was i-oh, thank you Grace for admitting to the crime you greedy pig"

3.My real name is Grace. I made my username 'gracie' because I hate it. Most of my family and friends like to call me that to annoy me, so whenever I think of my username I'll think of them, and it's also ironic and I love irony 😉

4.I'm as sarcastic as hell.

5.I'm also really awkward and shy. When I first meet someone it may seem like I'm just being cold, but I have to gather up all my courage to talk to people. Once I have connected with them on a really deep emotional level, they will know practically everything about me.

6.If you piss me off, run. Especially if you dare mess with my friends. My favourite tactic is grabbing a water bottle or a hard foam pencil case and whacking it on the guilty's head.

7.I go to a Private School *sigh* I promise I'm not snobby and I'm definitely not rich. (Please don't bully me!)

8.Aaaaand I'm Christian, Methodist and proud (I strongly support LGBT though!)

9.I have only watched a few anime, but the one I'm obsessed with at the moment is Noragami. It's SOOOOOOOOO good!!!!!! I love the idea and the Art style, and I can't wait to watch Season 2!

10.I have however watched a TON of cartoons. Gravity Falls, Star Vs the Forces of Evil, Loud House...my favourite one though is Teen Titans. Not Teen Titans Go, the ORIGINAL-with it's amazing plot, characters, beautiful animation, action and it gets you on such an emotional level. It's truly incredible, and I highly suggest you watch it. Go, watch it now!!!! (After you've finished reading this though!!!)

11.I'm so addicted to YouTube it's insane. I watch most of the British Youtubers, with my favourite being Dan and Phil. They are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them SO much, they are a true inspiration. And yes, I ship PHAN, I just love them together ❤️

12.One day in my class me and my friends were talking about our other friend who was actually doing her work (let's call her Abbey) and how she IS Hermionie, and we started doing everyone else in the class and eventually ourselves. One of them was Creature (they can do an amazing impression!) and another ended up as Hagrid because he's got really long hair (😂). To my delight I ended up as the amazing beautiful kind and crazy Ravenclaw Luna Lovegood 😊

13.I love Fallout boy. I was introduced to them by my friends playing me Centuries (which is AMAZING) and I continued the craze from there. My favourite song is 'Immortals'

And there you go, 13 facts about me! I'm gonna tag some people cause I'm mean like that so here they are:





See ya! ~^•^~ ❤️

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