
"Annalise, where the hell were you? I called your mum and she said she hadn't seen you since this morning," Kyle says as I walk through the door into the small apartment which he had recently purchased. I look at the tall brunette standing in front of me, I saw both anger and relief in his eyes. Although I don't see why it is such a big deal. Sure, I might be his girlfriend, but I don't understand why he feels the need to keep tabs on me constantly.

"I was just out with Michael and the others," I say simply with a shrug, as I walk past Kyle, into the kitchen, placing my keys and phone down on the counter. "With Michael? Again?" Kyle questions angrily, rolling his eyes and clenching his fists.

"Yeah, why is that such a problem?" I fire at him, placing my hands on my hips. "Michael and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. He's been there for me when no one else has. Why is it such a big deal that I'm still close with him?"

"Because, he's a male. I don't want him taking you from me," Kyle says as he takes a step towards me, looking at my eyes directly. "No, I know how this ends, you're not going to win this by having sex with me again. I just want to sort this out properly," I say trying to reason with him.

"Fine. You want to sort this out? Then stop talking to him, stop seeing him, stop being friends with him all together," he says firmly. I can't help but stare at him. "No, that's not fair. I haven't told you to get rid of your skank friends. For all I know they could be doing it with you at all of those parties that you go to without me." I say as I cross my arms. I can't believe him sometimes. Most of his friends are slutty girls, yet he has the audacity to tell me to shut my best friend out?

"Annalise, you know that I don't cheat. Why is it so hard for you to just stop being friends with him? He's just a boy, a stupid, stupid boy."

"You're just a stupid boy too, Kyle. Michael has been there for me through so much. And I've been there for him through heaps too, I don't want to lose him. He's so important to me. And we are nothing more than friend. You don't seem to understand that," I say honestly. This isn't the first time Kyle and I have had this argument. It's been coming up constantly and I don't like it.

"Why do you have such a big problem with Michael anyway?" I ask him, finally becoming fed up with him pathetic lies and empty answers. "You want the truth? Fine. Michael is a stupid asshole. He thinks he's so cool with his eyebrow piercing and his crazy coloured hair and his tattoos? Well he's not. It's pathetic. It makes him look like a fucking idiot. He honestly needs to have his head pulled out of his ass, it's not a goddamn hat."

"Why do you always have to be such an asshole?!" I scream at Kyle.  "Why do you always hang out with that douche bag? I'm your boyfriend, he isn't," Kyle fires back. "You know what Kyle? I'm sick of this. If you aren't happy with who I'm friends with then I don't think this is going to work out," I say and look away from him, not being able to bare looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

Kyle laughs dryly, "are you breaking up with me?" He stares at me before smirking. I nod my head. "Oh dear, you actually thought that I'd let you break up with me?" he laughs again. I scrunch my eyebrows, "it's not up to you Kyle, it's my decision, I'm breaking up with you." Out of know where Kyle slaps me across the face. "You seriously think I'll let you leave me, you pathetic skank? Well you're wrong, you're not leaving me, it'll be me who will leave you! Besides, you're lucky to have me, no one else wants you. You're stuck with me, bitch."

I just stare at Kyle, I used to think that he was so perfect, that he wouldn't hurt a fly, I should have listened to Michael, he told me that Kyle was bad news for the very beginning.

"Oh," is all I manage to say before I take a step back and running out of the kitchen, grabbing my phone and keys in the process. I hurriedly head out of his place, out of the apartment building and get into my car before driving away. I couldn't believe that Kyle had just hit me.

My vision is blurred due to my tears. All I see is a set of headlights and heard the frantic honking of a horn. Before everything goes black.

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