
The boys and I have decided that it's about time we had some time just for us, without worrying about the girls. Luke, and Ashton both have girlfriends - Lilyana and Clarissa - and Calum is falling hard for one of our friends Sienna and then there is me. The boys don't know it, but I'm falling for Annalise, although it's pointless seeing as she has a boyfriend and would never see me in that way. Lilyana, Clarissa, Sienna and Annalise usually hang out with the boys and myself.

It's about time we do something by ourselves without the girls around, so we decided to get pizza and play video games. I know it sounds pathetic, but it's honestly something that we thoroughly enjoy doing.

"Michael, any girls of interest? Sticking it anywhere?" Calum asks with a chuckle at his word choice. I have to say, sometimes we sounds so stupid. "Nope, I ain't 'sticking it anywhere', nor have any girls taken my fancy. How are things going with Sienna?" I ask with a smirk, he gets funny when talking about Sienna. It's not that he doesn't want her to know that he likes her, it's just that he really doesn't want her to know that he likes her.

I guess I can understand where he is coming from. He says that he doesn't want her to know in case it 'ruins with they have', I guess being in a similar position, I can understand where he is coming from.

Just as Calum opens his mouth to say something like 'I don't like her', my phone starts ringing. I quickly pause the game earning a groan of disappointment from the boys. I see that it is Annalise's mother Miranda calling.

"Hello Mrs Davies," I say with a small smile. The boys all look at me, "Michael, Annalise has been in an accident." She says quietly, her voice wavering. "Holy shit, excuse my language. What happened? Is she okay? What's going to happen? Where is she? Oh my god, how did this happen?" I ask quickly.

The boys all come rushing to my side, "she was in a car accident, she's stable but please come to the hospital, I can't be here alone."

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be right there," I say before hanging up the phone. I run my shaky hand through my hair. "Man, what happened?" Ashton asks, anxiety lacing his words. "Annalise was in an accident. We've gotta get to the hospital. I have to see her."

With that the boys and I all run out of the house and pile into Ashton's car. Not a single word is spoken the whole drive. All I can do now is hope that everything is okay with Annalise.

After around about fifteen minutes, Luke, Calum, Ashton and I arrive at the hospital. I am so anxious to go and see Annalise. I want more than anything to make whoever hurt her pay. She is such a beautiful person, never once has she done anything to intentionally hurt anyone, why her? Why does she have to be the one to suffer? Why the hell couldn't it be her dick of a boyfriend?

Kyle was always hurting people, both mentally and physically. He punched his last girlfriend because she stood up for herself against him. Two days later she was in hospital because she attempted to kill herself.

That's the kind of shit that he does to people. But Annalise couldn't see that side of him. Her thoughts are clouded by the apparent 'love' that she has for the boy. She barely even knows what love is. She has been dating him for five months, sure. But she hasn't spent years falling for him, or finding more things that she completely adores about him.

That's what I'd been doing for years. Looking at Anna everyday and finding more things that I adore about her. I've only now admitted my feelings for her to myself and I find that I like her a lot more than I first thought. I thought it was just a little thing, something small. But no, it's massive. All of those years I've spent with her has made me fall for her, hard.

"Hello, would you be able to tell me which room Annalise Davies is in?" I ask the receptionist. "She's in room 394," she said plainly. The receptionist almost seemed hesitant to tell us what room she was in. I don't know why.

Luke, Calum, Ashton and myself all pile into the elevator and start making our way towards room 394. I was so nervous to see what had happened to Anna, I really hope that she is okay.

Soon enough the elevator doors open, the boys and I step out and quietly make our way down the narrow, white hallways until we come to room 394. Once we reach the door, Luke turns the door handle. We all walk in.


I quickly walk over to Annalise's mother and give her a hug, with that she breaks down crying. I feel extremely bad for her, having to witness her daughter in this situation.

Miranda - well, Mrs Davies - is such a strong person, I've known her since I was born, she's like my second mother. So seeing her like this makes me emotional too.

"Trust me Mrs Davies, everything is going to be okay," I say, attempting to comfort her. She laughs slightly and looks at me while shaking her head, "Michael, I've told you before, just call me Miranda."

Suddenly, a voice coming from the bed sounds softly, "wait, where am I? What are you lot doing here anyway?"

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