
"Wait, where am I? What are you lot doing here anyway?" Annalise asks softly looking extremely confused. "You were in a car accident," Luke says quietly, suddenly seeming awkward. Maybe it was because he didn't want to end up saying the wrong thing.

Suddenly Annalise's dickhead excuse for a boyfriend Kyle walks in. "Annalise, thank god you're okay!" He says as rushes through the door, bumping into me on purpose. A flicker of fear could be seen in Anna's eyes when Kyle arrived. I don't know why. It might have been because of his sudden entrance, but I doubt that greatly. I guess I will have to ask her later.

"Michael, mate - can I please talk to you, outside," Kyle asks with a stupid smirk on his face. I shove my hands into my front jean pockets. I start heading towards the door, Kyle follows closely behind.

"Look, you aren't needed here. Anna only talks to you because she feels sorry for you. Stop embarrassing yourself and just leave." Kyle says with a massive smirk on his face. "You're a lying, deceitful prick," I spit at him, I can't believe him. Yeah, I know that he hates me, I fucking hate him too. But he has no right to make shit up and try to make me leave my best friend in her time of need.

Anger is clear on Kyle's face, throws a punch at me which connects with my nose making it start bleeding. That was it, I start punching and kicking the living shit out of Kyle. Every single punch and kick connects perfectly. Eventually Kyle is on the ground and a bunch of paramedics are trying to get me off of him.

I don't know how long I had been beating him up but I am pulled back by and bunch of cops. They quickly move me outside and put me into the back of the car.


"Oh my gosh, Kyle. What happened?" Annalise asks when I get back into the hospital room after being patched up by the paramedics. "You're psycho 'best friend' happen," I say bitterly. Luke, Calum and Ashton all look at me with both anger and confusion displayed on their features. "And where is he now?" Ashton asks. "The cops took him away," I say casually with a small smirk on my lips.

The boys all look at one another, go over to Annalise and hug her before leaving. Annalise's mother leaves too. Perfect.


"Why did you punch him?" The cop asks for the millionth time. "I've told you before, he threw the first punch after completely disrespecting me, so it was self defence mixed with anger. I don't see why this needs to be treated as a criminal case. Because it's honestly not," I say beginning to get annoyed. "Okay, well you have three people here who have paid the fine you were supposed to pay so you're free to leave. Just don't do anything like this again or things won't work out too well for you," the officer says before getting up and opening the door for me. I quickly get up and walk to the desk.

I have my phone and wallet handed back to me, I then walk over to where the boys are sitting. They don't say anything to me, they just stand up and walk out of the door straight towards the car.

Once we are all in the car they all stare at me, "what?" I question. "What the fuck were you thinking man? That fine was expensive!" Luke says quickly. "Kyle fucking well hit me first!" I say before resting my head in my hands.

"We know, but why did you get so carried away?" Calum asks me. "Well I didn't have much choice. I hate him so much, he got what he deserved at the end of the day. I just don't understand why Annalise is still with him. She could do so much better. Yet she settled for someone like him who doesn't give a flying fuck about her, and treats her like shit. It doesn't make sense!" I say all too quickly.

"You like her don't you?" Ashton asks. "No I don't." I say quickly. I didn't want them to know, they'd most likely spill the beans to Anna, I didn't want her knowing. It would only complicate things that don't need to be complicated.

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