Tall, Thin & Blonde // 1

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Chapter 1; Undressing in public.


"Look at them!" I said to Amy. I gestured to a table at the other side of the cafe. A bunch of really cute guys from our school were sitting together, drinking soda and shrieking. They all looked like Abercombie and Fitch models, We've only been in school for weeks but I already recognised all of them, two of them were football players and the other one models for Hollister. I pointed at Dylan hoping he would'nt realize,"He's perfect!" I said in a low voice, "I know right,he's probaly taken though." Amy replied back looking down, " How do you know he is?" I said, "Are you serious? Look at him." She replied staring,"Oh alright.." I said.

"I don't know if I'm going to have a burger today or not," Amy said, and scrunched up her nose, the way she does when shes thinking. " I don't really feel that hungry, I might have a normal salad plate." She said.

"A salad plate? I repeated. I looked over at her. Amy & I had been bestfriends since we were seven. In those seven years, All I remember was Amy saying she wasn't really hungry just before she threw up in my Tenth Birthday Party, "I don't think I want cake after all," She'd said and then she clamped her hand over her mouth, jumped up from the table and ran to the kitchen, and puked into the dog's bowl. Everyone but the dog and my mother had found it pretty funny.

Oh good grief, I thought. Amy is going to be sick. I looked over at Dylan Hensley's table. Right here in the middle of the Red Bay Mall, Infront of guys who never even burp, nevermind throwup.  moved my bag out of her way. "What's the matter?" I asked nervously. "Don't you feel well?" I asked.

"I feel fine." said Amy, her eyes on the menu, "Valerie,I'm just not very hungry, thats's all."


Harry Styles as Dylan Hensley

Dylan O'Brien as Cody Nemetz

Sean O'Donell as Ashton Nemetz

Barbara Palvin as Amy

Indiana Evans as Valerie

Thank you for reading I'll update as soon as possible xx

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