Tall, Thin & Blonde // 3

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Chapter 1; Undressing in public.


Amy was in Mrs.Gould's homeroom and I was in Mr. Streb's. Which is like saying that Amy was in Florida and I was in Maine. We didn't even have the same lunch period.

I smiled at Amy. "What do I care what you have?" I asked. I sounded very reasonable. "Have two salad plates if you want, you can even have three! Have cottage cheese, and tuna too."

While I was being reasonable, the waitress had come beside us. She was very blonde and pretty, and only a couple of years older than we were, Amy turned to her with a smile. "I'll have the cottage cheese and large diet Coke." she announced.

I couldn't believe my ears. Amy never drank diet soda, She and I had always agreed that ordering soda without sugar was like ordering a bannana split and only getting a banana. It is what girls who were immature and shallow and only interesred in boys, clothes and ,makeup. I had this sudden urge to throw my menu at her and walk away, but instead I politely handed it back to the waitress, "I'll have the Whale of a Special" I announced loudly. "With a root beer and side order of fries." 

The waitress looked at me as though I'd ask for a side order of grasshoppers. "You know it already comes with fries?" 

"Yeah" I said. "I know it already comes with fries." Amy turned to the waitress, for a second I almost thought she was giving the waittress a look.


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