Want You to Myself Again

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"Is, Is, Is, Is, guess what?" Van said so quickly I had to take a moment to process the words I had just heard, swallowing the chunk of sandwich I had just bitten.

"Van, Van, Van, Van, what is it?" I replied, dodging some new kid as I tried to work my way to my lab in the Forensic Science department. Yes, I had gotten at new job, one that I actually liked. And, the hours weren't too bad. Actually that was a lie. There have been a few occasions when I had been called in at one in the morning, or stayed at work until three, also in the morning. Besides that, it was a great job. Although it was awfully hard to navigate around when you're trying to eat your lunch, whilst on the phone to you boyfriend and there are loads of other scientists bustling about.

"You know how you were mocking us for not having a tour and that?" Van said, the cheek hidden under his mocking voice of accusation becoming more and more apparent as he spoke.

"You know, Van, I do," I said with a smirk I knew he couldn't see, not only holding no purpose whatsoever, because Van couldn't see it, but also making me looking like an absolute mug in front of the whole corridor filled with scientists. Don't even ask how I managed to pull my career as a scientist, just don't.

"Well, I'm here to prove you wrong," Van said as if he were in a cheesy advert, pulling the stereotypical low American man voice to complete the scene.

"Wait. You guys are going on tour?" I gasped, just thankful that I had made it back to my lab, otherwise my tea and sandwich would have hit the floor and been trampled on by a stampede of white lab coats. But thankfully my lunch had made it safely to the table, safe and sound.

"Not only have we pulled a tour, oh baby you're 'gonna love this, we got a fucking record deal!" Van screamed so loudly that I would have flinched away from my phone in fear that my ears would start bleeding, if I wasn't too excited to care.

"Holy shit Van that's incredible! I've got to come over to see you right now, oh my god!" I shouted, grabbing my keys, and my lunch, as I prepared myself to walk back into the corridor of doom.

"No need, love. You need to analyse blood samples and finger prints and all that CSI shit, and anyway, I'm coming to you."

I erupted into laughter at the 'CSI shit', my colleague not even surprised; having heard countless numbers of our loud phone calls, and her herself being fairly loud, noise barely had any effect on her at all. Rhiannon was probably wishing that she had gone into astrophysics though, because in her eyes, I was more fun than solving crimes. I beg to differ.

"Hang on a sec, you're coming here?"

"Well, I'm in here now. Forensics, it's on the fourth floor right?" He asked as I set my stuff back onto the work bench, shrugging my lab coat on.

"How did you get in, just out of interest?"

"Well, there are upsides to being famous, you know," Van said smugly. I could almost feel the smirk.

"Sorry to pull your head out of your arse, but you're not famous yet mate," Isabelle said, earning a look of confusing which quickly turned into a look of pride from Rhiannon at the fairly creative sentence that had probably been inspired by her and her general sense of 'creative sentences' as such.

"Ew, God. Did your description have to be so vivid? You know, somethings you just can't un-imagine," Van muttered.

"I'm pretty sure that's not a word," I said, pulling some samples from the case I was working on from the shelf to the workbench.

"Besides the point," Van said with a groan. "Where the hell is your room?"

"Lab, Van. It's a lab, this isn't a hotel," I murmured, scribbling down some notes in a scruffy note pad that was shoved up against the gas taps in front of me.

"Again, besides the point," I heard him chuckle over the line, before apologising profusely. That meant that he really was trying to worm his way to my room.

"It's lab 245," I said with a smile, about to turn around to grab my sandwich, before slamming into a warm body clad in a black jumper, arms incasing me in a warm embrace.

"Hey baby," he said into my hair.

"Hi," I squeaked out into his chest. He let go of me and let our lips collide, pushing me up against my workbench.

"Nope, nope, nope, you are not allowed to have sex near the blood samples. Or the workbench. Or at work to be honest!" Rhiannon said with a slight chuckle, moving the samples onto her own bench like an over protective mother.

"Hello Rhiannon," Van said courteously before kissing me again.

"So, your career is actually a career now!" I said, attempting to dodge the nose flick that I really should have anticipated.

"Piss off," he said, annoyingly sidestepping my attempt to get him back.

"You got to let me know where you're going though," I said, abandoning my quest to flick Van's nose when he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling himself so close to me that our noses almost touched.

"Berlin, Paris, London, Brussels, Dublin, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Vancouver, LA, San Fran, Boston, Seattle," Van whispered in my ear, in between kisses on my neck.

"And," he said with a sense of childish pride, "New York City."

My heart fluttered for him, the things he'd see, the places he'd go.

"Oh my god," I whispered back, my eyes going wide. This was a serious tour.

"And I want you to come with me."

My stomach dropped. I let go of all my worries, a smile spreading across my face.

"How can I say no to a face like that?" I said, kissing his lips, watching him grin from ear to ear.

"Alright serns!" He shouted, fist pumping like an overexcited kid after eating a shit ton of sugar.

"Go one, get out of here you two," Rhiannon said with a sigh, looking down her microscope.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yup. You better leave before I change my mind," she said as we turned to leave, thinking that I didn't see the smile on her lips.


God it's been a while. So here's the next chapter, I'll be damned if anyone's still following this story, to be honest. Let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments, and thank you very much if you are still following this story, it's much appreciated. Feel free to point out any typos.

Isa xxx

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