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As the next day came about, Damon made up his mind to ask. Ask what? To ask Payton if she would go to homecoming with him. Sweetness. After school, Damon went to a flower shop. Obviously, to get Payton a bouquet of flowers. Did I mention  that her favorite flower is white roses? Well anyways, he got her a two dozen bouquet of white roses.  He drove to Payton's house, knocked on her door, and Payton answered. Damon had the flowers behind his back. Then he got down on one knee, pulled the roses around and said,"Payton Rose, will you go to homecoming with me?" Payton grew a smile to her face, said yes, and she began to cry. He stood up, and handed her flowers to her. They kissed. Both said goodbye, and Damon had left. However Payton is still crying because of Damon's performance.

The next day, Damon went to get a rented tux for Saturday. He got a blue tie too. Apparently, Payton showed him her dress.Its all blue with gem thingys on it. They were completely ready but homecomming isn't until 2 weekends later. Plus, neither of them know how to dance. So the up coming weekend, they went to a dance class for formal dancing. Logic.  Everyday they went to the dance practice place. Its practicly multiple dates for each other. They get more time to be with each other. For a bonus, they get to meet new people there. Payton can become more social and Damon can just be his idiotic self. One day during practice, Payton almost died from laughing because Damon fell on his face at dancing class. Forever together i guess?

At dance, Payton and Damon keep on running into each other when they are learning certain moves. Hate to say, Payton is a better dancer than Damon. The couple would kiss, and the instructer would yell pda during class. Rude.... Well they can't be seperated, that would be deadly.

After two weeks had gone by, its officially homecoming day. Everyone met at the high schools gym. They all voted for prom queen and king. The majority of votes went to Payton and Damon. Everyone danced, ate, and had fun. Now its time to bring up the new king and queen. As the principal came up, everyone slow clapped for him. Suddenly he announced the winners. It was Payton and Damon. Yay. But thats not the end of this couple.  They have a long road yet.

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