Chapter 8: Bath

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This is the last part to the trip to Kyoto, enjoy~

We were walking around Kyoto, taking a look around town. Remembering what happened yesterday, I don't think I want to go through alleyways again.

I stretched my arms, "Man, it's already the last day..."

Kaede nodded in response, "I know, right? So many things happened."

Karma-kun was walking in front of us, alone. I approached him, and walked with the red head.

"Hey, Karma-kun," I started. "I want to seriously thank you for yesterday. If you guys didn't come, I don't know what would've happened."

He smiled, "It was nothing. Besides, you were in danger."

I blushed, looking away.

Okay, okay, I admit it. I may have a crush on Karma-kun. It took a while to realize.

Karma-kun has always been there for me. He cheers me up when I'm sad, and helps me when I'm being bullied.

"Does your cheek still hurt?"

"A little. But I'll survive!" I gave my brightest smile.

He looked away, blushing.

Then, Koro-sensei came, "Okay, everyone, let's head back to the inn. It's getting late."

Huh. It was getting pretty dark. Time flies.

We all headed back to the inn, and changed our clothes.

The girls decided to take a bath, since we were so tired.

Me, Kaede, Rio-chan, Okuda-chan, and Kanzaki-chan all changed into towels, and went to the bath.

My hair was tied up into a bun, so it wouldn't get wet.

The bath was pretty big, and the water was hot, but not too hot. Juust right~

We all got in, and said, "Aahh..."

Kaede sat next to me and said, "This is the best~ I'm so tired..."

Rio-chan nodded, "Yeah, me too..."

I agree. We have been travelling for three days straight. I think we deserve a bath. "It's nice to relax, huh?"

Rio-chan looked at us, "I heard what happened yesterday. Are you guys alright? It's really crazy."

Okuda-chan smiled, "Oh, yes. We're okay. They didn't really do anything to us."

"Well, except for Nagisa-san, she got hit in her cheek... " Kanzaki-chan explained.

I laughed, "It's nothing! It doesn't hurt anymore."

The blonde looked at me, "Are you sure? Man, those guys were nuts."

"Yeah. Karma-kun, Sugino-kun, and Okuda-chan came to help, so it was fine in the end. Koro-sensei also showed up."

"Hmm..." The blonde hummed, closing her eyes.

The bath was silent for a moment, before Rio-chan spoke up, "Hey, hey, Nagisa. Is there anyone you like?"

"H-huh!?" I exclaimed.

Why would she suddenly ask that!?

Kaede leaned closer to me, "Oh, there is!? Who is iit!?"

Kanzaki-chan and Okuda-chan leaned closer as well, curious for an answer.

Knowing that they won't back down unless I give them an answer, I sighed.

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