Chapter 29: Popsicle

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Nagisa's POV

I walked in my room, opening my popsicle I just brought from the fridge downstairs.

I threw the plastic away and laid down on my bed, starting to eat my popsicle. Mom is out, leaving me with the house.

I thought as I ate my popsicle, "Less than two weeks and we'll be going to Okinawa... Will our assassination work? Then again, we haven't planned it yet. We're gonna plan it on Monday in school."

"I wonder what things we'll be able to use there... Water gun? Nah, we can bring those ourselves... Oh, maybe they have those water propeller thingies that can launch us... Then we can use it to-" My thought was cut off by my popsicle dripping on my cheek.

"Sheesh, it's so hot that my popsicle started melting without me eating it..."

I was about to get up and grab a tissue, when suddenly there was a figure standing beside my bed, leaning down. I wasn't able to react as the figure licked my cheek, making me blush.

I then looked to see it was of course, Karma-kun. "Karma-kun!?"

He smirked, "Give me some, too, Nagisa!"

I then realized that he probably went in my window, which I've left opened to let air come in my room. I sighed, "What are you doing here?"

"I was passing by, and I saw your window was opened, and I couldn't resist~" He replied.

"...Were you really passing by? You don't pass by my house to get to yours."

"I was from a convenience store!"

"There are no convenience stores near my house."

He smiled, "Sharp as always, Nagisa!"

I continued eating my popsicle, "...Stalker."

"Hey! There's nothing wrong with visiting my girlfriend during summer vacation, right?" He said.

Now that I think about it, me and Karma-kun haven't really had some time together. There's so much stuff that's been going on, and we haven't been able to have some time alone.

Well, if you don't count the summer festival. And that was only for about 5 minutes before everyone else found us and dragged us back.

"No, there's nothing wrong with that." I replied, sitting up. He sat down on my bed, looking at me. "Hey, give me some." He said.

I looked at him, "...No. Get your own." I'm not gonna lie, I'm a pretty big sweet tooth. If it's sweets we're talking about, I tend to get greedy. Of course Karma-kun knows that.

"Why? Come on~"

I sighed before I tilted the popsicle towards his direction. He opened his mouth, and ate a big chunk of it. "H-hey, Karma-kun!"

I looked at the popsicle. It was now half finished. "You ate a lot! This is a limited edition flavor for the summer!"

He laughed, "Sorry, sorry!"

I pouted as I continued to eat. "Oh. That was an indirect kiss."

He smiled, "You're cute when you're angry."

I blushed, making him smirk even wider. "Using a cliché movie line on me!?"

"...You're not getting any more."

"Eeh? Why~?"

"You're gonna finish the whole thing!"

I took another chunk from the popsicle, not letting it melt before I eat all of it. Suddenly, Karma-kun pressed his lips against mine. I blushed madly as he entered his tongue in my mouth, taking the chunk I just took.

I tried getting it back, but it seems like he already ate it. We pulled back, and I gasped for air. Karma-kun was smirking, "Then I just have to get some like that~"

I held my now-melted popsicle, still blushing. I got up, "Geez, Karma-kun..." I grabbed my ties and tied my hair into my usual pigtails and walked out, looking back.

"...Let's get some popsicles."


...This chapter is so filler.

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