Chapter 25: Exams

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Woo! I'm back from my trip that I didn't even tell you about because it was so sudden and I would now like to apologize for it now~

Third Person View

The day of the exams are finally here!

"What's the matter, Nagisa? Are you okay?" Rio said as she walked through the hallway, looking for their class.

Nagisa smiled, "Rio-chan... As long as I can get some lucky points..."

Rio hit her back, "Real women need to bring out some strength! If it's English, you'll definitely get a good score."

"Oh~ How exciting." They saw Tanaka and Takada standing in front of a classroom.

"I heard you guys stupidly made a wager with Class A? I wonder what command you'll get when you lose?"

When they walked past them, Rio put both of her pencils inside Tanaka's nose, and pulling harshly to the side, "O-ouch!!"

Rio went in the classroom, "Alright, looks like this class is our exam room."

Nagisa sweat dropped as she looked at Tanaka, who was now bleeding.

They looked around, and saw... Ritsu with a body? Ritsu, but she looks... different.

"Who is that!?" Nagisa and Rio thought.

"This is Ritsu's replacement," They turned to see Karasuma-sensei, "The Board Chairman refuses to let an AI enter the exam, so we had to let someone who studied under Ritsu's tutoring to take her place." He explained.

"This is what Ritsu told me to pass on, but it's also what I personally want to say to you. Good luck."

Nagisa smiled at him, "Thanks!"

They sat down, and waited for the exams to start.

08:45, and they started to give the papers out.

Nagisa though as she got her paper, "Although this is a test that each person has to take alone, it feels as if this is a stage shared sith many people. The allies in the battle, the enemies we must defeat, and the crowds that cheer in the sidelines."

Suddenly, they were all in an arena, holding hammers faced with giant "monsters". (A.N. - This is a play on words, it can mean both "monsters" and "questions".)

"This is simply... an arena for us assassins. The bells to commence the final battle, rings today."


Nagisa jumped to the side to dodge the monster's strong attack, "I-it's much faster than the midterms!!"

"In a combined middle/high school of this level, there's nothing unusual about starting to learn high school material in the final year of middle school. In our school, the pace is personally quick on English, Math, and Science!! But... Everyone taking the exam is on the same boat!"

As they took the exam, Rio noticed Seo facing a giant monster. She looked at the question, and smiled.

Seo ran to the monster, and hit his hammer at him. And... nothing happened.

"I can't defeat it!? No way... This should be a totally perfect answer!!"

Rio jumped past him, and hit the other end of her hammer lightly on the monster's head, "You're sure uptight, huh? C'mon and relax a bit, honor student!"

She jumped down, the monster behind her exploding, into a mark from Koro-sensei that meant "full mark."

"A perfect answer!? Even though she's in Class E!?"

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