//D O N U T S//

16 4 0

| Phil Lester |

Another day. It probably would be exciting as usual but as I can feel it, I maybe will have a feeling of boredom.

As I walk the streets, I pass by a donut shop.
I sigh at the sight of delicious frosted donuts, almost making me drool.
"I still have spare money," I dug into my wallet. "Probably a box for me and Dan?" I said to myself as I entered the shop. "Good morning, sir! Anything you want?" The cheerful cashier greets me. I replied, "Yes, actually, those pretty donuts caught my eye. Do you have a box of assorted ones?" She nodded and got one for me to see. "Ah, that one please!" I smiled. I payed her and continued my way back to Dan.

I thought, I've got a box of goodies, why not pretend to own all in Twitter?

As I arrived back, Dan was in the bathroom so he hasn't saw me yet. I got my phone and took a picture to post it.

Phil Lester
Got myself a light snack

I heard the bathroom door close so I expected Dan. "Oh, Phil, you're-" He paused, eyeing the box of donuts I bought. "What did you get?..." He asked as he peeked inside since I closed it back. "DONUTS, PHIL?!" I shouted back my answer, "YES, DAN. DONUTS," We both smiled of our hysterical conversation. "You. Me. Donuts. Now." Dan stared at me. "Uh..." I grinned at how awkward that was. Dan said awkwardly, "That sounded... weird. BUT COME ON," We smiled at each other and I closed the box as he turned the TV on and set the couch up. "There are twelve, mind if I divide it? I'll be fair." I placed the donuts on the table. "Yeah, it's fine." He smiled and sat down. "Six for you and six for me." I said and made imaginary lines to separate my share from his. "I promise I'll be fair." I raised my hand. Dan did the same. "Promise."

| Dan Howell |

We have sat down comfortably beside each other and got the box of donuts between us. "Mkay. You get yours. Don't forget to count or you're the one who's being unfair." Phil warned me. "Yes, I know, of course." I said with a grin. Phil looked at the donuts, "Shall we?" I laughed with my reply, "We shall!" We both got a donut of different kind and took a bite. Phil's eyes widened, "Oh my god. These are delicious." I nodded slowly, "Mmm, yep, definitely." Phil pushed my arm down, that letting me know he was going to feed me. "Taste it, it's really good! The chocolate frosting is just," He said while holding his donut up for me to get a bite. I looked at the donut, and like he said, the chocolate makes me drool. I took a bite and I close my eyes, making myself feel the moment and really taste the choclatey flavor. "Oh crap. That is...that is sweet," The flavor really stood out. "Hey taste mine, it's like dark but sugary." I held my donut to Phil's mouth. "Shit." I cursed softly for I almost dropped the donut. "Just like your soul?" He asks. We both laughed and he took a bite. "Yes, just like my soul. It's really chewy and sugary and crap," "Mmf, yeah, you're right! It's so good!" Phil exclaimed his expressions of my donut.

We both finished our first doze of donuts. Next, Phil gets this one which is long, frosted with brown frosting which I guess is mocha and is drizzled with chocolate. "Ah. AAH. I SAID AH, DAN. OPEN YOUR MOUTH," Phil said, his right hand holding the donut and the other under my chin, condisdering bits of the frosting were falling off. "Okay, okay!" I said and took a bite off the end. "Alright, gimme that!" I snatched the donut away from Phil. "PHIL YOU HAVE SEVEN SECONDS TO EAT THIS DONUT!" He panicked and bit thirds of the donut, chewed it as fast as he could and bit another piece and another. He almost bit my thumb! Almost. "Three, two, one!..." As I counted he chewed the last piece of donut. "ZERO!" And as that word escaped my mouth, he finished. I clapped my hands, "Wow, Philly, you have succeeded!" He joined in my clapping and we stopped. "Alright, Danny. It's your turn." He said evilly and got a donut and shoved it directly into my mouth (sorry um thats what she said). "Umfw, mpwmf - PHIWL WHUAFT STOFT-" I spoke with the donut in my mouth. I wasn't able to chew it, Phil literally put the whole thing. I chewed slowly, afraid My jaw might get injured, "Phil, why did you?!" I said as I have chewed half the donut. "It was revenge!" Phil laughed. "How was that a bloody revenge?!" I said while trying to hold my laugh as I was chewing. I swallowed the thirds of the donut, "whatever."

But then we realized Phil ordered too many. He only ate three for god's sake and it was up to me to finish it.

While Phil forcefully fed me my donuts, I tweeted.

Dan Howell
please help me @AmazingPhil keeps feeding me donuts because he ordered too many i think this is the peer pressure school warned me about

Eight. Eight donuts are all I need to finish.

Phil kept trying to help me eat it by getting a bite on each donut. But he wasn't! All he did was just take a tiny bite! "Eight...Seven...Six..." My head counts as I try to finish the donuts. "SIX, god damn it! Five! I want to fucking throw up." It continues while I suffer.

"Four....Okay Dan, you can do this. Three! Come on," I cheer for myself. I chewed and chewed and chewed while Phil just looks at me holding a glass of water.

"Two!" I chew as fast as I can. "One, Dan! One!" I was slightly sweating. I was so nervous that I couldn't finish the last piece of donut.

And then I finished the whole box. But as I took the last bite, I felt like throwing up. But I did it! I finally finished them! No more suffering from forceful shovings of donuts by Phil! Phil broke his promise though, but who cares. At least I finished it! "You did it, Dan!" Phil smiled widely, showing his tongue which he stuck out to the side. "Finally! I feel like imploding right now." I take the glass of water Phil held for me and chugged the whole glass.

| Third Person |

And thus, the box of donuts have been devoured by Dan and Phil. But mostly Dan. He now won't be suffering from donut shoving. Dan almost threw up, though... But at least They obviously enjoyed themselves!




...kill me please, thank you.

the freaking typos are killing me right now like omfg so annoyinngggg


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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