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Colors are everywhere in your life, but have you ever wondered  if people see colors differently. Your blue can be red to me. When we are babies we learn that a specific color is blue.

It's kind of hard to explain and there's no way to test it with out high tech machines.

You can't describe  colors .ex:" orange is made with red and yellow. So yellow is the one that yellow ?"

You can't just point at a banana or a taxi because it can still look like a different color to someone else.

Color also makes you feel different things . Like red and yellow they make you hungry. When I learned this I noticed how a lot of restaurants have red and yellow. Think of it McDonald's and Wendy's. That's why they use red napkins or red/yellow decorations, to make customer hungrier and buy more food.
A/N: See my point if you still don't get it gust comment and ask and I will explain better and don't forget to follow.

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