Some people don't have one bit of common sense. They fight and waste their time over silly little things like on insta, to girls where fighting because they disagree they where even calling each other mean things so I said " umm not to get in your business but you are wasting your time on what you say is stupid wow " (I forgot what they called each other so ya now there stupid)
Like some people are smart but just don't use common sense like come on man your better than that. They did stuff that can make there good further and ruining it just like back to the future 3 ( i am so lame I watched all of them two times and also start wars
and harry potter).
Well you get the point .And Sorry I have not update in so long I got Instagram and I am on it all the time btw its Isa._.iscool so follow me
Life may thinks this just means "how is life going "but it means more. Life is a gift that you are given when you are born. Every one has a purpose in live to make the world a better places in some way but it's hard to find what your purpose is.