I now it's been a long time but my life has been so wired
and sorry for the pic. I've been going to a summer camp where we do art but with machines like 3D printers and laser cutters. So we where playing tank trouble and some one screamed "holly cricket" and a little boy started saying jes crick and God crick. And saying" holly cricket mother cricket" . And now everyone says that. It's only 13 kids in all but it's annoying and funny.
So more than half are saying cricket instead of bad words.Also today one of the councilors killed a cockroach thingy bug and the kids made a grave for "jes cock". YAH there's a Jesus cockroach too. They said that jes cock is small but very fat and so is God crick but jes crick is very long and strong.
These people are crazy but oh well.
AcakLIFE.you may thinks this just means "how is life going "but it means more. Life is a gift that you are given when you are born. Every one has a purpose in live to make the world a better places in some way but it's hard to find what your purpose is.