Chapter 3- Friends to the rescue

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Hey! It's Monday. You know the drill. I know that in this picture they are all in the same room but in the chapter, they are on Skype. Bear with me. Enjoy!

Stacy's POV
I looked at the screen with dismay. What just happened? Did Nathan just confess his crush to me? Or indirectly so to say. I cut the recording to figure some things out. This also allowed Nathan some time to think. I don't want to pressure him but I have an episode to record.

I pulled out my phone to text my friends. I opened the group chat to write:
Boy problems. Need help. Please come onto Skype ASAP!

I sent it. Waiting for a reply, I thought about the situation. I liked Nathan, too, but I didn't know how to say it. I wasn't into that kinda of stuff. Sure I had a few boyfriends but I dumped them all. I had standards.

I look back to up to the computer to hear a beeping. It was Joey. I take the call.

"MY JOEY!" I call.

Ever since I moved to Utah, I didn't talk to Joey as much. Sure we had our Hungercraft, but it wasn't like the old times. Joey is such an amazing person. He's so brave and I love him (as a brother/best buddy).

"Stacyanya!" Joey starts. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you when the others come on, if they can." The time differences were crazy.

My phone started to blow up from the group chat. Joey and I just start to talk about our life away from each other.

J- okay, i made a call
T- add me!
L- What?!
L- What's happening?
J- okayyyyy

After about a few minutes, we have the whole gang on Skype. I instantly felt bad considering the time it could be where they are.

"We're you guys busy? I feel bad!" I say.

"What!? Of course, we'll come when you need us! You're our friend!" Tiffany said.

"Yeah Stace! We're always there for you!" Yammy said.

"We love you, Stacyanya!" Joey yelled!

Lizzie shot me a finger heart. I sent one back.

"Thanks guys! I really needed that." I replied to their kindness. I had some really good friends.

"So what's that tea?" Joey asked?

"Yeah girl," Lizzie said. "Who am I going to have to fight?"

"Actually, you don't need to fight him. He was very sweet." I whispered.

I got confused looks from the audience. I proceeded to tell them the story.

I told them of how I like Nathan, and he blurted out his like for me. I was constantly being interrupted with 'awes!'

"What do I say to him? How do I talk to him? What do I even say?" I splurged on the questions.

"Go call him. Tell him how you feel." Yammy said. I nodded.

"He must be waiting for your call now," Lizzie commented.

"Imagine how he feels." Joey thought.

"You guys are right. Thanks for putting up with me."

"I don't think I had a choice." Joey smirked. "Joseph!" I called. Everyone laughed.

"So, what are we doing for MineCon?" Tiffany asked. I hummed.

"Maybe we can all stay in the same hotel so we can have a sleepover!" Joey suggested.

"That's actually a really good idea," Lizzie agreed. Joey smiled.

"That seems like fun!" I started. "But so far away!"

MineCon was in September, or 5 months away.

"I guess we have time to plan!" Yammy chimed.

We continued the call for 2 more hours before Lizzie decided she has to start getting ready for sleep.

"Stacy, you better tell him how you feel tomorrow." Lizzie commanded.

"Sir, yes, sir."

"Over and out. Talk to you guys later." On cue, the British girl was gone. We had all decided to leave the call.

I left to give Page and Molly a walk and think about what I would say the next day when I confront him.

It was the next day when I logged onto Skype. I looked to see if Nathan was on and to my surprise, he was. I didn't want to text him and have him ignore me.

I took a deep breathe and called him. I haven't talked to a boy that I liked since high school. Once I started working, I didn't pay attention to that. As an ambitious person, I wanted to be the best worker.

After a few rings, Nathan's face popped up. A head full of curls looked into the camera. He had his iconic blue sweater on. His face was flushed. He looked absolutely stunning.

"I like you, too." I just started. His face grew from anxious to shocked. He started to say something but closed his mouth.

"Yeah, I know. Crazy. I'm legit. I'm kinda glad you told me because I was too scared to tell you. I've felt his way for a few weeks and it's crazy. I haven't felt this way about someone since high school. Ya know, school girl crush. But yeah, I kinda like you. Very much." There was a small moment of silence.

The builder smiled fondly. "I like you too." I smiled too. It felt so unreal.

"I know," I laughed.

"I just feel that you didn't get the chance to hear it from me personally." I nodded.

"Stacy Hinojosa, will you be my girlfriend?" I wanted to cry for

"Of course I will, Mr Oneday!" I practically screamed!

"Great! I was worried. Because I could have done it more smoothly. It just happened so quickly I.." the builder rambled.

"Don't worry," I laughed. "But can we keep it a secret from the viewer and such?" I asked. I didn't really talk much about my feeling on my channel. My viewers didn't know much about my love life and I didn't want to drop a bomb on them.

"That would great." He commented.

"Actually though, I might have already hinted to my friends that I would tell you my yeah," I confessed. The whole gang was blowing up my phone again with their questions.

"That's okay because the team knows that was was going to ask you to be my girlfriend."

"Great! We'll keep it secret. We can just tell those few people because I can trust them. I'm not telling The Cube just yet." I said. Some people can know but they had to keep it a secret so that viewers won't know. The curly haired builder nodded his head.

"You're adorable," he said after several minutes of comfortable silence. I blushed.

"You make me feel at home," I smiled. That was true. I felt that I could be myself when with him.

After about another hour of Skyping, we hung up and decided to record the BookCraft episode tomorrow.

I opened up our group chat, ignoring the text asking how it went. I typed in 'Guess who has a boyfriend!?!' and proceeded to scream and dance of happiness in my office.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was fun writing it. Now that I'm on vacation, I can write way more than I did for the first few chapters. I feel kinda weary about the part where they talk one on one. I feel like I could have written it better. It's okay I guess. See ya on Monday with chapter 4!

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