Chapter 7- What happened?

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Still in Connecticut but it's very fun! Such great response last chapter! I love y'all! And I know it's Wednesday, I forgot to post yesterday. Very sorry.

And I want to dedicate this to those who read, comment and like all my chapter. Thank you guys so much! You guys keep me going.

(When I say girls, I mean Yammy, Lizzie, Stacy, Tiffany and Joey.)

Stacy woke up feeling light headed and dizzy. She looked around her to see her friends scattered across the room- knocked up. She looked to the alarm clock placed in the bedside table. 11:56 am. They were late. She picked up her phone that sat next to the shot glass.

37 unread messages. 19 missed calls.

She quickly unlocked her phone to see who kept trying to reach her. Most were from Nathan. Some from Red and Joel. They had breakfast plans. Might as well make them lunch plans because by the time they would get there, it would be lunchtime.

1:07 am- are you okay?
7:54 am- wakey wakey eggs and bakey
9:01 am-please be awake
9:05 am- should I come by your room?
9:30 am- all of us are here- but you girls are you okay?
9:59 am- seriously, I'm getting worried
10:12 am- should I call the police

9:46 am- where you guys?
10:30 should we reschedule?

10:01 am- Hey Stacy, where are you guys?

It goes on. Stacy jumps out of bed and attempts to wake up her friends- they just groan.

"GUYS! WAKE UP!" Nothing.

"GUYS! BARACK OBAMA IS IN THE LOBBY!" They all jumped up.

Stacy was bombarded with "WHERE?!" "YOU SAW HIM?" She mentally laughed.

"No, Barack Obama is not in the lobby," Stacy confesses. "But, were late. Very late." They look at their phone and softly curse.

They all scrambled to clean up, sober up, get dressed and go to the breakfast restaurant- Katy's place. It wasn't far from the restaurant either.
"Guys, We're so sorry. We got so drunk last night and we slept through our alarms. We're so sorry." Lizzie apologizes while taking a seat next to Joel.

"Hi guys, you're a bit late." Red jokes while the boys laugh. The girls have a sad look on their faces.

"It's okay. We can have lunch." Kyle justifies.

"Lets order." Joel calls the waitress and they order.

"So, I got over 200 seconds of your sleepover." Red starts. Tiffany buries her head in her face. "At least you didn't send them to anyone else." She nods.

"I watched it all. First you were playing a game of 'Never would I ever,' then you were soaked. You guys were jamming to music, jumping dancing. Next thing you knew it, shit got weird." He paused to build suspense. "Everyone was doing their own thing. Lizzie was taking shots- maybe like 20. Yammy was laughing a LOT. I mean a lot. Stacy was out of control. Girl is stumbling. Joey was mixing up a storm. If I were there, I would get a Manhattan or a mojito. But you, Tiffany, you were just yelling a lot. I got scared. That's when you stopped recording." Red explains.

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