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Sam is eating his breakfast, playing a little game when his phone starts ringing in his hand.

"Mornin', gumdrop," a cocky voice rings through his ears as he answers the phone.

"Hey, Gabe," Sam smiles.

"Whatcha doin'?" Gabriel asks.

"Eating breakfast. What about you?"

"Thinking about you and what we could do on a little adventure tonight."

Sam perks up at that. "Where are we going tonight?"

"Someone got excited quick," Gabriel chuckles a little. "Where do you want to go?"

"Well we've been to Paris. We've been to Australia-"

"Because you're such a geek, and we just had to go."

"Bite me."

"Isn't your brother around? Can't do anything to you yet, Sammy. Later though."

Sam blushes. "Shut up."

"You know you love me," Gabriel singsongs.

"You're lucky I do," he laughs a little.

"I'm happy I have you. I've never heard you laugh around anyone other than me. You're always so serious, and it drove me crazy," Gabriel says after a second. "You're freaking adorable when you're focused or pissed about something. When you're happy though? You look so different."

"Different good or different bad?" Sam asks. "And I'm not adorable!"

"Different good, duh," Sam can feel Gabriel rolling his eyes. "Your eyes light up, and your little dimples poke out. You look like you're happy to be around someone other than your brother."

Sam's quiet for a second. "I do like being around you. It's not like I don't."

"Yeah well, I did kill your brother over and over again."

"Is this what's this is about? Gabe, I'm way past forgiving you. We've been together for how long now? About 2 months, right?"

"Don't make me do math. I'm lazy."

Sam chuckles. "This is why I love you. You make me laugh, but you can be super serious right before. You care too, even if you feel like you don't.

"You even told me that you'd kill yourself before you let anyone kill me. That actually makes me feel like I'm something other than just a hunter, Gabe. Makes me feel like I mean something," Sam explains.

"Sam, you'll always mean something to me. You mean everything to me. You and Cassie are all I got left. I love you, kiddo."

"Love you too, Gabe," Sam smiles.

"I got a surprise for you for tonight. Just bring your pretty face and look decent. I think you'll like where I'm taking you," Gabriel explains.

"What time?" Sam asks.

"Meet me at that diner on Cypress Street at 8:30. I'm gonna see you there, and I won't be late. Okay?"

"Okay. See you tonight," the hunter says.


The line goes dead, leaving Sam smiling like an idiot. His cereal is way to soggy and disgusting to eat now, but that doesn't bother him.

Another date with Gabriel tonight. Another night of laughing and smiling and simply being loved. Another night of Gabriel's arms wrapped around him. Another night with the moon and the stars and his awesome archangel boyfriend.

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