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// "Oh Dean~" a singsong voice echoes through the dark of the blood stained corridor.

Dean whips around, looking all around him cautiously, raising his weapon close.

"Who are you?" he calls out, fear and anger edging his voice.

"Someone who knows your Daddy real well, kiddo," the voice says. Dean can hear the insult in the man's voice.

Then he realises the voice. He notices the pure evil in the taunting tone.

"Lucifer," Dean growls.

"Bingo," he says, finally stepping out from the concealing darkness with a snap of his fingers. "So I hear Cassie's your new Daddy, eh?"

"Shut up," Dean says through a clenched jaw.

"Awe, that's cute. Castiel's been giving his baby boy bottles and cuddling him and saying that he won't let anything hurt you ever again, hasn't he?" Lucifer laughs again. "Little brother is still a baby himself. He's always been so naive. He just doesn't know."

"He doesn't know what?" Dean asks, anger seeping through his teeth. Fear is pushed down with anger being inserted through his veins.

"Little baby seems to be getting scared. Should I call Daddy for you so you can have a bottle of his Grace, and he can rock you to sleep? Pathetic," Lucifer scoffs with a smirk. "Really, Dean. How much worse can you get? What happened to John Winchester's little soldier that took every punch he got from his good for nothing father? Remember when Johnny boy tried to beat the bisexual out of you when he found you kissing another boy?

"Alex, please. Don't let him get me. Please, he'll kill me," the Devil makes his voice sound like the broken and petrified young teenager Dean once was.

"Stop it," Dean gets out finally. "Alex was nothing. He was just a mistake I should've never made."

"It's okay, baby. I won't let him get you. I'll die first before anyone hurts you. Calm down, stop shaking," Lucifer makes himself look like the blonde haired, blue eyed, strong beauty Alex Mullins was when he was young. Dean feels the familiar feeling of Alex's strong arms around Dean's body, and his strong fingers running through the short length of Dean's dirty blonde hair.

"Alex.." Dean whispers.

"I miss you," Lucifer mumurs, still using Alex's warm but deep tone as he kisses Dean's neck. "Why won't you come back to me? I can cuddle you and kiss you again."

"I wish I could. I miss you too," the hunter says back.

"Why can't you?"

"Because I just... I just can't."

"I can handle that Castiel guy for you. I know how. Just a snap of my fingers, and we can be together again. Anything you want, it's yours. If you'd just come back to me, baby, you'd be treated like the beautiful man you are. You'd be treated with respect and love. Just like you should be," Lucifer kisses his ear.

"I can't loose Cas, Alex. He's family," Dean says back.

"But baaabyyyyyyy," he drags out the pet name. "I love you. Don't you love me?"

"I do, Ally. Believe me, I want you back so bad. But I can't just leave Cas and Sam," the hunter presses close to Alex Mullins.

"Well," Lucifer's voice returns back to its normal, annoying glory. "I'm gonna fix that anyway."

Castiel grunts as he's brought out by two over demons, wings, ankles, and wrists bound by iron shackles. His tired blue eyes scan the room until he sees his hatchling, Dean, looking at him with fearfilled, bright green eyes.

"No.." Dean whispers. Then louder. "No. Don't touch him."

Lucifer's grip tightens dangerously around Dean, making it impossible for the Winchester to move. Dean struggles against the restraint as the demons slam Castiel down on his knees.

"No! Stop it! Cas, fight them!" Dean yells as he sees Lucifer slowly raise his fingers.

"I'm sorry, Dean," Cas says.

Lucifer snaps his fingers.

Blood splatters.


"NO!" Dean screams, shooting up from his bed drenched in cold sweet and tears streaking his the sides of his face. His eyes are red and irritated, and he's breathing ragged and heavy.

"Dean?" Cas says from the door frame. "What happened?"

Dean quickly reaches out for Castiel, making little grabby hands like a 2 year old. Cas quickly rushes over to him and takes Dean into his arms.

"Shh..." Cas rubs his back. "What happened, Dean?"

"H- He killed you!" Dean sobs, burying his face in Castiel's chest.

"Who tried to kill me?" Castiel asks.

"Lucifer!" Dean cuddles closer to Cas and wraps his arms tighter around the angel.

"It's okay, baby. I'm not dead, and I'll never die. I'll never let anyone hurt you. I'll always be here for you forever. Calm down, it's okay," Cas kisses the top of Dean's head, noticing that he's shaking worse than a screen door in a hurricane.

Dean's breath quickens, and he grips onto the angel tighter. His pupils dialate and tears fly down his face faster and heavier.

"Dean, baby, calm down. It's okay, I've got you. Shh.." the angel holds the hunter close and adjusts him to where he's more secure and comfortable in his arms. He rocks Dean gently. "I'm not going anywhere, Dean. I assure you."

Dean sobs start slowing down a little, but he's still shaking slightly. His calloused hands are shaking as he lifts one hand and slips his thumb in his mouth subconsciously. He sucks on his thumb furiously and closes his eyes, trying to calm down. Castiel continues to rock him until his shaking finally stops after a long 30 minutes.

God, Dean woke up terrified, and the only one now who can take his fears away is Cas.


Sam and Gabriel are back at the archangel's house a few house later. Sam is curled up next to Gabe with a blanket over the both of them. Gabriel's arm is draped over him as they watch a movie together.

"That was nice of you earlier," Gabe says.

"With the kids?"

"Mmhm," Gabe hums. "You acted like a great parent."

Sam looks up at him with a smile and a raised brow. "What are you saying?"

"I'm not saying a thing. 'M just saying you did good with those kids," Gabe kisses his cheek.

"Well thank you. We're gonna go get them on Friday, if that's good on your schedule," Sam says.

Gabriel thinks for a second, then replies, "That's good with me. On Monday, though, I'm gonna go see Cas."

"Alright. So if we pick Brandon and Annie up on Friday at around 11, we can take them to eat somewhere. Then we can bring them somewhere kids like. I'm turning to you on this one, babe," Sam answers.

"Why me? Am I not taken seriously enough by the fabulous moose that I'm supposed to know where little ankle biters like to force their parents to spend money?" Gabriel fakes a dramatic pout.

"I do take you seriously, honey. Believe me, I do. You're an archangel, for God's sake. Not just that, you're my strong," Sam walks his fingers up Gabriel's chest. "and handsome boyfriend. I love you."

"Come on, sexy. Now you got me wanting to bang you into next Sunday," Gabriel smirks after a groan of lazyness.

"Why won't you? I'm ready," Sam suggests.

"Ooh," Gabe scoops Sam up in his arms and starts to carry him into their room.

This going to be an AWESOME night.

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