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Dean looks around at the area Cas flies him to. It looks familiar. Then he realises:

This looks exactly like his childhood home. The only house he's ever lived in.

"I tried to make it as comfortable as I could. I wanted to make sure you'd like it," Castiel says.

"You got it just like my old house," Dean says, looking around curiously and totally amazed. "You made this yourself?"

"Yes," Cas says. "So you like it?"

"Dude, this is awesome," he answers with a small smile as he relives his memories in the house before it all went down in flames. Literally.

Before all this demon crap, Dean was a happy kid. He got everything he wanted, and he loved his parents, knowing that his parents loved him too. He had a lot of friends at school, and he always loved going. To this day, he still loves learning about everything, but he hides it from everyone.

He remembers looking over the table on his tiny little 3 year old feet, watching his mother sign school papers curiously.

// "Whatcha doin' Mommy?" He asks.

"Boring grown up stuff, that's what, De," she smiles and ruffles his thick, blonde hair that is close to falling over his bright green baby eyes.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because I have to so you can keep going to school, silly! You wouldn't want to stop going to school, now would you, my smart baby boy?"

"Nuh uh! School's fun!" He smiles back up at Mary.

"Well then go get some sleep so you can be ready for school tomorrow!" Mary puts her son on her lap and laughs when he reaches for her hair.

"Carry me, Mommy?" Dean asks. "Please?"

She smiles and stands up with her son in her arms. "Thank you for flying with Mary Winchester Airlines. We hope you have a safe and fun flight. Please keep your arms and legs in the arms at all times. 3..2..1.. and we're off!"

Mary makes little jet noises as she runs up the stairs, making Dean laugh and giggle uncontrollably.

"Oh no! We're going down!" She makes an explosion noise as she drops Dean in his bed. She laughs a little and throws the covers over him, tucking him in. She kisses his forehead. "Night, De. Love you."

"Love you too, Mommy," Dean smiles and turns over, closing his eyes.//

"Dean?" Cas asks worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Cas. I'm okay," Dean clears his throat and turns his eyes from the kitchen of many memories.

"Are you sure? Don't lie to me," Castiel says.

"I'm okay, I promise," Dean assures him. "So what do I have to do?"

"First, it's lunch time. Anything you want, you can have."


"Anything in existence, yes," Castiel smiles a little at Dean's immediate wide eyes.

"Pie?" He asks.

"After lunch."


"Of course. You know that I enjoy that as well."

"I want that," Dean decides.

"What do you say?" Castiel says.

"You're making me say please? Seriously?" Dean frowns.

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