Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

*****************THIRD PERSON*********************

Damon and Stefan were still in shock when Zack walked down the basement stairs. Damon recomposed himself and tried to speed out of the cellar door (KEY WORD - Tried) but with him still being weak Stefan beat him out and locked the door. Damon slammed into the door trying to push it open but immediately fell to the ground coughing due to the vervain in his system.

Alexis ran through many towns trying to find this Klaus. She came across L.A and stopped at a hole in the wall  bar.  She went inside to find only a few people but one man was seated at the bar surrounded by girls. He had blonde hair and baby blue eyes and overall he looked gorgeous but the power radiating from him made her believe her search had ended, 'I believe that's him' Alexis thought and made her way towards him, pushing past the girls.  As she neared him, she gently laid her hand on his arm.

"Niklaus Mikaelson," his eyes snapped to mine and although I quickly removed my hand, I took his acknowledgement of the name as a good sign, "may I have a word?"

---------Next Day--------

Elena awoke to see her diary sitting on her bed-side table ready to be written in. She grabbed the diary, opened it and was about to write in it only to think. 'What am I gonna write about, a boyfriend who keeps secrets to himself'. Elena put the diary back, got out of bed and headed into the bathroom only to find Vicki brushing her teeth. Elena gave a confused face. "I'm sorry, I'm almost done" Vicki apologised embarrassed to be caught by Jeremy's older sister.

 Elena shook her head, "Ah, no it's ok take your time" and closed the bathroom door wondering why she was at her house than it clicked, 'Jeremy' she thought and breathed out a sigh.

Vicki walked out of the bathroom with an embarrassed smirk and said, "I think you might be in trouble" while walking towards Jeremy's bed, and laid down on him.

"What'd you do?" Jeremy asked while wrapping his arms around Vicki with a smile. Vicki returned his smile and replied "Elena saw me."

"I'm a drug using delinquent, a girl in bed doesn't really rank, sorry" he said. Vicki smirked then kissed him, to which he countered by flipping them both over.

"Jenna," Elena whispered walking into the kitchen, "are you aware of what's going on upstairs?" she finished asking Jenna - her aunt - pointing up indicating Jeremy and Vicki.

"Ah, huh" was Jenna's short reply while Elena set her jacket down on a chair. She gave Jenna a are-you-serious look and questioned her aunt, "and you have no objection?"

"Ha, he could be craftier about it or make an effort to sneak her in and out" Jenna continued as Elena grabbed a cereal box from the cupboard, "Oh and just so you know I won't be home for dinner" she kept writing but with a sly smile on her face.

"hmmm... so your actually going to do it, your going to go out with Logan" Elena said with a sing-sang voice. Jenna finally looked up at Elena, fully smirking, "More like gonna show up and torture him, yes". Elena let out a small giggle. "And have you heard from Stefan?" Jenna pressed lowering her voice for affect.

"Not since he left that very vague message three days ago 'Hi, umm, Elena I, ah, have something I have to do. I'll, ah, explain in a few days' " she replied speaking low as to copy Stefan's voice in his message. She poured her cereal in a bowl.

"Have you called him?" Jenna asked smiling. Elena sighed "Nope and not going to either" looking at her cereal. Jenna pushed on "and are you ok with everything?"

Elena said her earlier thoughts, "No I'm not ok with any of it but I'm not gonna cry about it either, you know I was gonna write in my diary this morning and than I though 'What am I gonna write'. Honestly I'm not gonna be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy" as she took a bite of her cereal.

"Ok then," Jenna gave a surprised but doubtful look to Elena, she noticed "I'll be fine" Elena said but didn't sound so confident about her words and walked away to finish readying for school.

"He's awake," Stefan said to Zack, still a little distracted from yesterdays events with Alexis, "He's weak but it's probably best to stay out of the basement. Because it's Damon he might try something, no matter how dangerous he doesn't seem."  He continued walking away towards the door with his school bag.

"Your going to school?" Zack questioned Stefan in surprise.

"I came here to live a normal life, it's about time I get back to that," Stefan said confidently and stated walking away, "and Elena, if she's still speaking to me--"

"Why haven't you called her?" Zack interrupted. Stefan turned back around.

"What am I supposed to do feed her another lie. I hate lying to her Zack I'm not good at it. She already thinks I'm hiding something from her" ." Stefan replied honestly shaking his head.

"What choice do you have," Zack advises, "You came here to live as normal a life you could, you knew this was going to be part of it". Stefan just adjusted his bag strap silently and left to go to school.

Alexis POV

"How do you know my name?" Niklaus asked me as we sat at a corner table in the same bar, minus the female minions.

"Well not to sound like a stalker fangirl or anything  but I'm what you would call an admirerer" I replied with a smirk to which he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Really now?" "Well yes of course, the bad ass, original hybrid with a dormant werewolf side" he froze at that and gave me a nasty glare. He leaned over the table and got really close to my face, staring into my eyes.

"You are going to tell me everything you know" he compelled me. Sad thing was for him it doesn't work with me even if he is an original vampire.

"I'm sorry to inform you but compulsion doesn't work on me," at this information he was frozen (again) shocked. I continued, "But I will tell you what you want to know if you help me" he looked at me as if he were thinking it over.

"What's in it for me?" he questioned with a smug look, obviously thinking I had nothing he wanted.

"How about the doppelganger that breaks your curse?" I asked him hoping he wanted the human my brothers were in love with. He was shocked into silence but after a few minutes spoke up,

"OK you've got yourself a deal," he started, "But now you have to tell me everything you know and do a little favour for me"

"Depends on what the favour is?" I gave a smile back


Pic  is Alexis --->>>

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