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Nick's POV

Alex has been rummaging through her rusty car for the past half hour, pulling out a bunch of Monster cans and bags from a vegetarian restaurant. She moves over to the glovebox and pulls out a ton of napkins with the same logo as the bags on them, a flier for a Save The Trees campaign, and a bunch of mail. Her eyes widen at the mail.
"Score!" She shouts. I climb into the passenger's side and take the mail into my hands.
"1400 700 Street North number 23. Guess it's an apartment or something." I hand her the mail.
"Well, considering I don't even remember what road we're on right now, I think you should drive." She says, opening the door. I nod and switch places with her. We drive in the direction of her home and I plug my phone into the car through the aux cord. I click on my Spotify app and search 'Crown The Empire.' I hit shuffle play and lock the phone, setting it in a cup holder and turning up the stereo. The first song that plays sounds vaguely familiar from last night's show and I lightly headbang along.

Alex's POV

"Now I'm alone in the dark. I know there's a way out when all hope is gone..." I sing lightly. I don't know why but I know this song. Strange. I look over at Nick and see him smirking at me. "You better focus on the road asshole." I say. He chuckles.
"So you DO like Crown The Empire." He said, turning a corner.
"More like did. Can't really like a band of you don't know any of their stuff." I shrug.
"Oh, so you haven't been singing along for the past four songs then?" He raises an eyebrow at me. I roll my eyes, looking out the window and anxiously waiting for the next song to begin. The car turns off and I hear Nick's seatbelt click. "We're here." I grin, looking at the town homes in front of me.
"Yep. We're definitely here." I walk up the front steps as Nick unlocks the door, turning the nob and stepping aside.
"After you, m'lady."
"Why thank you kind sir." I curtsy, pushing past him. I flip the light on and breathe in a seemingly familiar smell. Nick does the same and scrunches up his nose.
"It smells like hippie in here."
"Oh well." I wander further into the home, opening the fridge. Inside I see cheese, Monster, spinach, kale, and starfruit. I close it back and open the freezer, finding candy and frozen fruit and vegetable smoothie bags. I move to the pantry and find around ten bags of quinoa, some veggie chips, pita bread, and spinach tortillas.
"Damn. You are a health nut."
"Or, maybe a vegetarian?"
"True." He agrees. We head upstairs and find a red and white munchkin kitten with the most adorable eyes and a checkered Pomsky puppy. The puppy wears a collar reading 'Mercutio'.
"OH MY FUCK I LOVE THEM!" I exclaim, playing with the animals.
"I would assume so since they're yours." I glare at his smartass remark. I check the cat for a collar but, sadly, don't find one.
"I wonder what her name is." I comment, taking her into my arms. I rub under her chin and she grabs my finger, purring loudly. I turn and notice Nick staring at a wall.
"The dog is Mercutio, right?"
"Yeah. Why?" He points to a chalkboard which read 'Feed Mer. And Ty.' In loopy letters. "Ty?" I furrow my brows.
"It could be an abbreviation like the other one. Maybe it's Tybalt? That would make sense, both are from the same play." He says aloud. I nod in agreement. I make my way to the closet.
"Oh, thank god! These clothes are horrid."
"Alex, your British is showing."
"Shut up you whore." I say, sticking my tongue out.
"You're 21. Act like it."
"Whatever." I grab a pair of khaki shorts and a brown and red tribal patterned crop top and go to the bathroom. I search for a first aid kit and rewrap my head, throwing the old gauze away. I quickly change and toss my old clothes in the hamper. I leave the bathroom and grab a pair of red Toms to replace my muddy Vans. Nick is no longer in the room, so I head downstairs to see if he's there.
Sure enough, I find him seated on my beige couch watching Spongebob Squarepants. I put my hands on my hips.
"Yeah. I'm the childish one."
Hey, it was on the recently watched list." He shot back. I pause, narrowing my eyes.
"Touche." I plop down next to him and we watch TV for a few minutes. "Nickyyyyy! I'm hungryyyyyy!" I whine, hitting his arm.
"Ew don't call me that."
"Fine. As long as you get me food."
"Sorry. I don't know how to make quinoa." He shrugs.
"Then let's go out!"
"Where should we go, babe?" He asks, turning to face me. I blush, turning away so he doesn't see.
"How should I know?"
"Oh. Right." He scratches the back of his neck, obviously thinking. "I know a place you'll love!" He suddenly exclaims. "To the Invisible Boatmobile!" He shouts, running out the door.
"Dork." I mutter under my breath before running after him before he leaves me.


We turn into the parking lot of a small building with a sign reading 'Organic Chakra' on the front in bright colored paints. It seems familiar, but I don't know why.
"How do you know I'll like this place?" I look over at my temporary chauffeur.
"It's vegetarian." I skeptically raise an eyebrow at him.
"I thought you said you were a meat lover."
"I am. This place's logo is all over your car." He gestures toward the building.
"Oh. Okay, let's go."

Nick's POV

We walk in and I'm hit with the smell of soy sauce and spices. A girl with long, wavy blonde hair approaches us and begins to greet Alex.
"Alex! Good to see you again!" She shouts, bringing her into a hug. She looks very flustered. "I thought you were going to come in after Warped and have some Tabbouleh, no mint of course, and tell me all about the bands you saw." Alex looked so puzzled by her addition of 'no mint' but I was more concerned by her depressed eyes. I wrap an arm around her and pull her close, lightly rubbing her upper arm.
"Table for two please." I say, ignoring all of her comments. Her happy-go-lucky attitude left her right as I said that and she walked us to a booth in the back right corner. The table there has a lot of carving in it, but right in the middle it has a giant heart with 'Cameron' carved into the inside. Alex's eyes widen and rim with tears as she traces her thin fingers over the etched letters. The girl comes back to take our order and Alex quickly shakes away the water threatening to fall.
Why does she act like she's bulletproof?
"Alex, what do you want to eat?" The girl asks, interrupting my thoughts. She shrugs.
"You never gave us menus." I simply state.
"Alex never needs one."
"Well she does now." The girl scoffs at me and walks off, bringing back two menus.
"You should've stuck to your plan and never gone to another guy. This guy is a dick. Cameron would not-" she was cut off by Alex running out of the restaurant.
"Alex! Alex! What did you do?" I begin to feel angry.
"I-I" I lose my patience and run out after the girl I love.
Wait, what?

So my Wattpad was being a shithead and wouldn't let me add both pictures but at the top is Tybalt and below is Mercutio.

He Saved Me (A Nick Matthews Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now