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Alex's POV

I wake up to the sight of a kitten staring at my face and jump.
"Tybalt!" I exclaim, shooting up off of the couch. I laugh slightly at myself and observe the room. Yawning, I realize that Nick is nowhere to be found. I turn here and there frantically then spot a piece of yellow paper on a table next to a dress and some flowers. I walk over, picking up the paper.
'Went out for some stuff. Be back soon.
Love, Nick.
You'd look hot in this ;)'
I chuckle at the note and run my fingers over the dress. It is so beautiful. But so fancy. Why would he want me to wear this?
I decide not to question it and grab it, heading up the stairs and into my bedroom. I decide to do makeup first.
I do fairly simple eye shadow, a light smokey eye with nude colors blended through, and some black lip stick. I put on liquid eyeliner and fill in my eyebrows so they match my hair color. I smile in the mirror and proceed to heat up a straightener, wanting to curl it but knowing curls will fall from my hair. I straighten my hair then push a pair of black and beige marbled dangle tapers through my ears. I finally pull on the dress and zip the back, grinning with delight. I had to take off my head bandage and cover the mark with foundation, hoping it wouldn't randomly start bleeding during, well, whatever it is Nick has planned. I peer at the clock and realize that its been almost an hour and a half since I woke up.
I open my bedroom door frantically and yell down the stairs.
"Yeah, babe?" He answers. I blush uncontrollably.
"I'll come down in a second." I dig through my closet and find a pair of nude ankle boots. Sliding them on, I make my last adjustments in appearance and open the door once again.

Nick's POV

I hear Alex as her bedroom door creaks open. I look down at myself and straighten my tuxedo. I had put a daisy from before in my jacket pocket and am holding another one in my hand. I feel like it's prom night all over again.
I see Alex step into view and my jaw drops. She blushes furiously and tries to hide it by letting her hair fall over her face. I move closer to her and push the hair behind her ear, placing a finger below her chin and pulling up so she'll face me.
"You are so beautiful." I speak. She smiles widely.
"And you are beyond handsome." we sit there for a few moments just taking each other in.
Honestly, this will sound creepy, but I could just stare at her all night and have no problem with it.
"So. Where are we headed?" Alex breaks the comfortable silence. I smirk knowingly.

Alex's POV

Nick won't tell me where we're going tonight and it's giving me anxiety.
I'm sitting in the passenger's seat, becoming jittery as we near our destination. Nick apparently noticed because he reached over and grabbed my hand, nodding at me reassuringly. A smile sneaks across my lips and I watch the road alongside him. We turn unfamiliar corners and come across a large building with extravagant lights and elegant people. I begin to open my door and stand but Nick interrupts me.
"No no no no. I'll get it." He jogs over to my side as I roll my eyes. He pulls the handle and holds out his hand. "M'lady." He says. I giggle slightly and take his hand as he pulls me to him and closes the door behind me. "Ready to eat?"
I frown. "Nick, this place looks so expensive, are you sure you don't want to go somewhere else?" He shakes his head.
"Our reservation is in five minutes. I'm paying. No arguments." He grins, happy with himself. I sigh as he offers me his arm. I rest my hand right below the crook of his elbow and begin the journey to the huge French doors. Two men open them and I feel like I'm entering a rich person party. There's chattering and snooty laughter that makes me feel out of place but nick pulls me closer, hand around my waist, which calms me down.
"Table for two. The reservation is under Matthews." Nick speaks to a well kept man behind a giant book. The man nods and escorts us past all the people and to a grand staircase. I furrow my brows in confusion, but decide not to question it as Nick doesn't seem phased.
We approach another set of doors which look much fancier, if that is even possible. Nick peers down at me, taller than me even when I wear my boots.
"Ready, love?" I breathe in, then speak.
"Yes. Let's go." Why am I so nervous?
The double doors swing open gracefully and I am shocked to see a magnificent display of candles, white lights, and daisies.
"Why daisies? I thought you'd be more of a traditional rose sort of guy."
"I gave you daisies today. I thought you'd be more of a daisy kind of girl." He leads me to a table with a single candle in the middle and pours some champagne for himself and I. "Alex, I know you and I just met, but will you do me the honor of having you as my girlfriend?" He asks shakily. Why is he so nervous?
"You don't have to be so nervous, Nick. What kind of stupid girl would say no to someone as wonderful as you?" I smile.
"Is that a yes?" He excitedly continues. I simply nod and move into his arms, embracing him tightly. I begin to leave the hug but Nick stops me. "I've been wanting to do this for a while." He speaks before leaning towards me. I am shocked at first, but lean forward as well. Our lips meet in the middle and we share a light, lovely kiss. Nothing heated. Just a beautiful, happy kiss between newly found lovers.

A/N Alex's dress is pictured above.

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