When Highs Turn to Lows

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Nick's POV

I swallow my own temporary heartbreak and focus on the crying girl under my arm.
"What about him?" I ponder aloud, absentmindedly staring at the ceramic tiled floor.
"I think I loved him but I know he didn't love me..." She begins in a strong voice which quickly fades to a mousy sound, keeping me from hearing the rest of her explanation. I decide not to push the topic. After all, I knew this would happen. He just died not too long ago.
Maybe I should give her time.
"Alex, I know we just started this, but I think we should give it all time and let you regain your memory before we try to have a relationship." I speak in a quiet manner, genuinely upset, but I know this is for the best.
Alex didn't seem to think that.
She raised her head with a horrified expression, tears rising to the brims of her hypnotizing brown eyes once again. She begins to pull away from my cocoon of consolation but I pull her back to my chest, shushing her soothingly.
"No, no, no. I'll still be here. I just want you to be completely sure you're ready for all of this. I promise I won't leave you yo do this on your own." I say as I place a finger beneath her chin, lifting her face so I may meet her eyes. "I'll never leave you." I smile and kiss her forehead, hoping she feels at least somewhat better.
I rise to my feet and pull her up with me. "Well, time to fund a hotel. I'll be over in the morning around-"
"Wait.." Alex cuts me off. I pivot to see her standing in the bathroom, rubbing a stray tear from her cheek and crossing her arms like a defeated child. "You said you wouldn't go." She finishes. I feel a pang of remorse strike through my heart. How many times had she been in a situation like this? Crying, screaming, panicking on a bathroom floor over her past with an ungrateful husband doing nothing about it. It broke my heart.
"I won't. I'll sleep on the couch." She nods in approval and disappears once more into the bathroom, I'm assuming to finish what she was doing before.
I meander downstairs and start looking around for blankets. After finding none, I climb back upstairs, groaning, and find some in a small closet in the guest bedroom.
As I'm walking into the hallway once more I hear an angelic voice muffled by the walls. I can't resist temptation and head toward the sound, listening to Alex singing. I feel creepy since the water's running so she's obviously taking a shower, but I couldn't care less at this point.
"I'm like a robot,
I have no fears,
I lack emotion and I shed no tears.
I'm like a coma,
A deadly sleep,
My heart is breaking but I just can't weep."
I grin widely as she absentmindedly sings a song she doesn't even know she remembers. I hear the faucet turning off and rush back downstairs, quickly setting up my makeshift bed and click on the TV. Spongebob has ended so I scroll through the recently watched list and find Futurama. I chuckle lightly at how childish her preferences are and choose Cartoon Network on the guide. While Alex gets dressed and all that I occupy myself by counting how many times Bender repeats his signature catchphrase, "Kiss my shiny metal ass!"
It happens twice before a beautiful girl descends the grimy stairway.
"I think I've seen this episode before." She yawns.
"What makes you say that?"
"I know that Bender gets a bomb strapped to him but Frye saves him before he kills everyone by saying the detonator word."
"Psh you totally could've just predicted that."
"The detonator word is 'ass'." She says about five minutes before that information is revealed. I stare at her, puzzled, and she smirks back at me. "Told you."
I sigh and go On Demand to find a new episode before we decide she has seen every single one and just let them play.
Eventually, I can feel my eyelids growing heavier and let sleep consume my mind.

Alex's POV

I know Nick is right about me needing to take my time but who wants to admit that?
I hop in the shower and sing a song I don't remember hearing on the Crown The Empire playlist from earlier and feel proud that I knew it. As I say the word 'robot' I look down at the little cartoon mechanical being holding a heart with a sad face etched into my skin on my thigh. I assume it has something to do with the song and mentally note that I need to discover the entire meaning.
I turn off the water and roll my eyes as I hear Nick dart down the stairs. I dry my hair as much as I can with a fluffy black towel and pull on Batman sweatpants and a Never Shout Never T-shirt. I have no clue what that is but I assume it's a band and note that as well.
As I leave the room, Tybalt weaves between my legs and squeaks as kittens will. I pick her up and pet her gently, careful now as I make my way into the living room. Nick and I argue over some funny show called Futurama about a robot, a cyclops, and a guy from the future. This light banter makes me happier than I've ever been since I woke up in that hospital bed. I look over and watch Nick drift off, smiling as his glassy eyes close.
About twenty minutes later, his phone goes off. I nudge him slightly and he startles awake, scooping up his phone and running off in a spooked way.
What the fuck?
I follow him out the door, frantically asking what the matter is. He doesn't answer me, just sits in his car and picks up the phone.

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