Chapter 2-Middle Earth

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The next morning Catalina adjusted her belt as she looked in her own mirror for what seemed like the last time. Everything that she needed was packed into her luggage and her room was cleaned to perfection.

Two Einherjar filed into her room, bowing their heads in unison, "are you ready my lady?" They took her luggage and led her down the hall. They entered the throne room, where King Odin and Queen Frigga awaited. Balder, Thor and Loki stood faithfully at the bottom of the steps, each with circles under their eyes, and Thor still looked sick from his hangover, but yet and still they smiled at their youngest sister as she approached the throne.

As she kneeled before her father the king, he stood up, preparing to speak.
"I have already told you of the reason that you are leaving: it is to keep the relations between the Sindar elves and the Asgardians strong. It is customary to have both princesses temporarily take each other's places, but due to the fact that the Elven king has no daughter to give, we shall still go through with sending you off to Midgard. So, we shall now say our final goodbyes, then you will depart." Odin stepped down from the throne and lightly kissed his daughter on both cheeks. "You will come back in ten years. You will be given the choice to stay in Midgard or come back to Asgard. Choose wisely my daughter."

"No men,"

"No parties,"

"No alcohol,"

"No sex,"

"No men," her brothers hissed at her.

Catalina smiled, bowed, and kissed her family goodbye. They watched as the enormous doors closed behind her.

"I wish that she will come back just as beautiful and happy as she left."
Balder bowed his head one last time and turned away, Thor and Loki at his heels. And as the Bifrost carried their sister away, they worried, as all older brothers worry about their sister.


A thick forest enveloped the princess and her guards. Leaves littered the earthen floor and odd sounds emanated from the distance. She looked up and two elven guards stood, waiting for her. The guards exchanged glances then led her away, directing her to a stone path that led out of the forest and into a small clearing. They went across a bridge, and stood before the enormous gates, that opened to reveal the magnificent Elven kingdom. Great stone pillars went up to the ceilings and paths snaked along the palace to connect each and every room.

Catalina's heart began to beat faster in her chest as she walked along the raised pathway that led to the throne. She imagined the king as similar to her father, average height, long white beard and a crown: the classic fairytale king plus pointy ears. But as she stepped onto the platform before the throne and looked up, she was taken aback to find that her assumptions had all been completely wrong.

The throne was made of solid oak, the back formed to resemble the shape of elk antlers. Upon that throne sat the elven king, a metal scepter in his fist and silver brocade robes adorning his shoulders. He wore a crown of branches, and multiple rings on his fingers; but as his face turned to look at the approaching young woman and her guards and his eyes met Catalina's, the princess was struck with an odd feeling of recollection. As she kneeled before the throne with her fist over her heart she felt as if she had seen the crystal blue eyes of the Elven king before.

She raised her eyes to peer at him again, and he stood up, thrusting a cloak from his arms and stepping down the stairs to meet the princess. His long silver blonde hair fell past his shoulders as he watched Catalina rise to her feet.

"Princess Catalina Odin's daughter of Asgard?" He asked; his voice was strong, with the potential of being intimidating, but it was smooth and even, complimenting him.

"That is correct my lord." Catalina bowed waiting for the verbal approval, but was slightly startled when he took her hand in his. As his lips touched her knuckles, Catalina observed his features, noting the pointed ears, the thick eyebrows, long eyelashes and high cheekbones.

"If you have not been told already, I am king Thranduil," he released her hand and stood straight, allowing Catalina to put away her stereotype of short elves.

"It is a great honor to make My Lord's acquaintance. I've heard a lot about you, but it is good to meet you in person."

"The same to you my lady," he said, his eyes wandering along her figure, searching. For what, Catalina was unsure. By now, her heart was pounding, each pulse she felt in the rest of her body. She began to fear that the Elven King could hear her heartbeat; she had read that elves had impeccable hearing, capable of detecting a whisper across a crowded ballroom. But her fears were allayed when he turned away from her, addressing a pair of elves that had stepped into the throne room.

"Lle ier telwa, (you are late.)" He said, as the pair bowed in unison.

"Forgive me Adar, the protocol went painfully slow today." The first elf bowed again. He was a young man, his blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail. The king turned his head away from them, facing his attention on Catalina once more.

"Princess Catalina, this is my son, Prince Legolas." Catalina bowed her head and Prince Legolas took her hand and lightly touched his lips to her knuckles.

"It is an honor my lady," he said, and stepped back. King Thranduil then beckoned to the second elf, a pretty girl about Legolas's age.

"This is Lady Tauriel, a captain of the guard." The women bowed to each other.

"Legolas, show the princess to her chambers." The Elven king turned away and headed back toward the throne. As he watched Catalina walk away, king Thranduil settled back into his seat and momentarily closed his eyes, a memory stirring in the back of his mind. He looked back up at Catalina's disappearing figure.
I wonder if she remembers.

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