Chapter 28- In Between Dreams

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Catalina fell to the ground when the Bifrost landed her in a dense forest. Her legs shook and it was becoming increasingly harder for her to breathe. In spite of this, Catalina stood shakily to her feet and began to run again. She ran blindly through the the brush, sharp branches and thorns tearing her dress, stabbing her feet, and scratching her arms and ankles. Blood ran down her body, and her once blue dress was now purple and threadbare.

She slipped and tumbled down a slope, her back scraping the ground, branches and stones digging into her flesh, and a shooting pain in her ankle. There she laid, her body wet with blood and sweat. She couldn't move, the pain had overtaken her.
So many images raced past her, and she began to fear that no one would find her, that she would die. As she lay silent, staring into the tops of the trees, her head spun and her stomach churned. She closed her eyes, hoping to never feel it anymore; hoping to never wake again.


"What have you brought home my love?"

"A baby girl, she needs immediate care. Have any of the maids any milk?"

"None of them, but Remethiel has regrettably miscarried. Shall I inquire of her want for the child?"

"Do so in haste Valadhiel."

"Ada, what have you here?"

"A baby ion nin; A girl."

"Will you name it?"

"No my son."

"Remethiel has agreed to foster the baby."

"Good, bring the child to her."


Catalina's eyes fluttered at the sound of many voices. She felt herself being lifted off the ground, the person holding her taking great care to not touch her open wounds.

"Bring her to the healing room immediately."

"Inform His Majesty that she's here."

"Will she survive?"

"I don't know....."

Catalina could hear rushing footsteps and her body speeding up.

"Dear me Sir, what have you brought?"

"It's Princess Catalina, she's injured badly, please hurry, she'll die."

Catalina was set down onto a flat surface.

"Put her on her side- oh Valar, her back is in shreds."

Her eyes shot open when she felt many wet clothes touch the tender skin and muscles. The maids gasped at her sudden movement.

"Catalina, can you hear me?"

She looked up into the russet brown eyes of a familiar face. She knew exactly where she was.

"Feren....?" She choked, coughing blood.

"Don't speak, keep as still as you can." Another voice said and placed her hand over Catalina's forehead. Iellwen.

"She's in here Ada," Legolas rushed in with his father close at his heals.

Just then, the maids touched her spine, where the sword had cut her wings off. Catalina screamed, a wave of pain running up and down her body. Her form shook, her hands trembled and blood leaked from her mouth.

Thranduil looked on in horror, bad memories flooding back into his mind. Her agony pained his heart, and he shut his eyes. He pushed past Legolas, away from the healing room.

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