2: Low Expectations For Zoe

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Note: Due to character issues, I changed names- Piper is now Mallory.

Zoe Vastille didn't appreciate her heritage one bit. Being a daughter of Eros meant boarding school and learning dumb classes like Archery and Pre-Flight. She didn't want to learn to shoot the arrows of love or learn how to fly when she got her wings. Being a normal person would've  suited her just fine.

She sighed as she pulled her school diary out of her bag before Pre-Flight. She quickly flicked to today's date in her diary- they were finding out camp cabins today. Zoe was excited for camp- they were going to an adventure camp in the mountains. And they were going to fly for the first time there! Plus, the cabins would be boy-girl- Eros didn't really understand why genders should be separated.

Zoe really hoped she would be with her boyfriend, Cam (unfortunately not in her class), and her best friend, Mallory McCoy.

At first, Zoe thought she couldn't date anyone at the school because they were related to her- either her half-siblings, aunts or uncles. Cam, she thought, was her cousin, so when she was attracted to him, she had thought there was something wrong with her.

In the end, Eros- she had a hard time thinking of him as her father, as her father had mysteriously disappeared when she was a kid- had told her that gods didn't have DNA. It was a complicated explanation and Zoe hadn't understood, but she got the general message- she wasn't related to anybody here. That was a relief, because a few weeks later she was going out with Cam.

Unfortunately the student coordinator, Ms Connan, didn't like Zoe, mostly because she was Cam's mother and overprotective.

Just then, the teacher, Ms Ross, wandered onto the grass oval with a cage containing four doves.

"Good morning, 7 Delta. Today we will observe the flight techniques of these doves and perform our daily takeoff exercises. But first, I need to hand out the cabin forms."

Ms Ross walked around the group, handing people their forms. The teacher gave Zoe Mallory's form- they were boarding school roommates, and Mallory wasn't here today. She was off on "break-up leave"- since Eros was the god of love, he understood break ups. Mallory's boyfriend, Sebastian, had just broken up with her yesterday, so she didn't need to go to class for three days. It was one of the rules unique to Eros Academy.

Zoe unfolded the paper in eagerness, almost ripping it. It read as follows:

                     Cabin Four

  Austin Sadler          Tiana Hollis

  Josh Lychson         Zoe Vastille

  Noel Whitford        Andrea Sadler

Keegan Driscott    Mallory McCoy

Zoe didn't really know Tiana, Andrea or Keegan. Mallory was a good cabinmate, she thought. But Austin, Josh and Noel were the devil trio. They would make life hell, Zoe was sure.

Let's just say Zoe didn't have high expectations for this camp.

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