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hey yoongi,
it's your one and only,
choi giyeon.

i know you probably won't notice this letter on your desk the first time, but i hope you do sooner or later. which basically leads you to this.

how are you today? i hope you're doing just fine. i'm sure you are.

i really miss you, you know? it hurts not seeing your cute kitten-like face all the time, you know?

you know, the more i hung out with you, the more i felt more normal. the voices stopped and i don't have those twisted imaginations anymore. it's like you're a therapist, my therapist. and i like being with you.

by the way, i didn't kill your parents, they're actually alive and living, right now. i just planned to post and article about your parents dying, and i actually deleted it after you were done reading it.

i'm afraid that the writers might find out that i was just making up a story.

why did i do that, you ask?

well, that's because i was pushing you to call the cops for them to arrest me.

so after all that shit, you can finally be free from guilt. so, you can finally see me as normal, not just some insane girl who bugs you 24/7.

i'm such an idiot, right? a big idiot.

don't be sorry that i got into prison, you just did the right thing for pete's sake! i'm a criminal, a murderer. and i deserve to be in prison.

and i chose to be on the good side, so don't regret anything. i don't even regret what i did.

i love you, you know? so much that it hurts seeing you drowning from guilt. i love you so much that i'm willing to do anything just for you to see me as a normal person. i love you so much that i'm willing to take risks for you. i love you so much that i'm willing to do this for you.

hey, yoongi.

after i get out of prison, wanna go on a date with me?

{ yes, i just asked you out just so you know. (; }

i know you probably hate me now.

but, i don't care.

i love you, amore mio. <3

your one and only,
choi giyeon.

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